
A variational principle in the parametric geometry of numbers, with applications to metric Diophantine approximation. (arXiv:1704.05277v1 [math.NT])

We establish a new connection between metric Diophantine approximation and the parametric geometry of numbers by proving a variational principle facilitating the computation of the Hausdorff and packing dimensions of many sets of interest in Diophantine approximation. In particular, we show that the Hausdorff and packing dimensions of the set of singular $m\times n$ matrices are both equal to $mn \big(1-\frac1{m+n}\big)$, thus proving a conjecture of Kadyrov, Kleinbock, Lindenstrauss, and Margulis (preprint 2014) as well as answering a question of Bugeaud, Cheung, and Chevallier (preprint 2016). We introduce the notion of a $template$, which generalizes the notion of a $rigid$ $system$ (Roy, 2015) to the setting of matrix approximation. Our main theorem takes the following form: for any class of templates $\mathcal F$ closed under finite perturbations, the Hausdorff and packing dimensions of the set of matrices whose successive minima functions are members of $\mathcal F$ (up to finite 查看全文>>