
On the anti-Yetter-Drinfeld module-contramodule correspondence. (arXiv:1704.06552v1 [math.KT])

We study a functor from anti-Yetter Drinfeld modules to contramodules in the case of a Hopf algebra $H$. Some byproducts of this investigation are the establishment of sufficient conditions for this functor to be an equivalence, verification that the center of the opposite category of $H$-comodules is equivalent to anti-Yetter Drinfeld modules, and the observation of two types of periodicities of the generalized Yetter-Drinfeld modules introduced previously. Finally, we give an example of a symmetric $2$-contratrace on $H$-comodules that does not arise from an anti-Yetter Drinfeld module. 查看全文>>