
Automorphisms of pure braid Groups. (arXiv:1704.07045v1 [math.GR] CROSS LISTED)

In this paper, we investigate the structure of the automorphism groups of pure braid groups. We prove that, for $n>3$, $\Aut(P_n)$ is generated by the subgroup $\Aut_c(P_n)$ of central automorphisms of $P_n$, the subgroup $\Aut(B_n)$ of restrictions of automorphisms of $B_n$ on $P_n$ and one extra automorphism $w_n$. We also investigate the lifting and extension problem for automorphisms of some well-known exact sequences arising from braid groups, and prove that that answers are negative in most cases. Specifically, we prove that no non-trivial central automorphism of $P_n$ can be extended to an automorphism of $B_n$. 查看全文>>