
Operators that attain the reduced minimum. (arXiv:1704.07534v1 [math.FA])

Let $H_1, H_2$ be complex Hilbert spaces and $T$ be a densely defined closed linear operator from its domain $D(T)$, a dense subspace of $H_1$, into $H_2$. Let $N(T)$ denote the null space of $T$ and $R(T)$ denote the range of $T$. Recall that $C(T) := D(T) \cap N(T)^{\perp}$ is called the {\it carrier space of} $T$ and the {\it reduced minimum modulus } $\gamma(T)$ of $T$ is defined as: $$ \gamma(T) := \inf \{\|T(x)\| : x \in C(T), \|x\| = 1 \} .$$ Further, we say that $T$ {\it attains its reduced minimum modulus} if there exists $x_0 \in C(T) $ such that $\|x_0\| = 1$ and $\|T(x_0)\| = \gamma(T)$. We discuss some properties of operators that attain reduced minimum modulus. In particular, the following results are proved. 查看全文>>