
Quantizations of conical symplectic resolutions I: local and global structure. (arXiv:1208.3863v5 [math.RT] UPDATED)

We re-examine some topics in representation theory of Lie algebras and Springer theory in a more general context, viewing the universal enveloping algebra as an example of the section ring of a quantization of a conical symplectic resolution. While some modification from this classical context is necessary, many familiar features survive. These include a version of the Beilinson-Bernstein localization theorem, a theory of Harish-Chandra bimodules and their relationship to convolution operators on cohomology, and a discrete group action on the derived category of representations, generalizing the braid group action on category O via twisting functors. Our primary goal is to apply these results to other quantized symplectic resolutions, including quiver varieties and hypertoric varieties. This provides a new context for known results about Lie algebras, Cherednik algebras, finite W-algebras, and hypertoric enveloping algebras, while also pointing to the study of new algebras arising from 查看全文>>