
Small Loop Transfer Spaces with Respect to Subgroups of Fundamental Groups. (arXiv:1704.07408v1 [math.AT])

Let $H$ be a subgroup of $\pi_{1}(X,x_{0})$. In this paper, we extend the concept of $X$ being SLT space to $H$-SLT space at $x_0$. First, we show that the fibers of the endpoint projection $p_{H}:\tilde{X}_{H}\rightarrow X$ are topological group when $X$ is $H$-SLT space at $x_0$ and $H$ is a normal subgroup. Also, we show that under these conditions the concepts of homotopically path Hausdorff relative to $H$ and homotopically Hausdorff relative to $H$ coincide. Moreover, among other things, we show that the endpoint projection map $p_{H}$ has the unique path lifting property if and only if $H$ is a closed normal subgroup of $\pi_{1}^{qtop}(X,x_{0})$ when $X$ is SLT at $x_{0}$. Second, we present conditions under which the whisker topology is agree with the quotient of compact-open topology on $\tilde{X}_{H}$. Also, we study the relationship between open subsets of $\pi_{1}^{wh}(X,x_{0})$ and $\pi_{1}^{qtop}(X,x_{0})$. 查看全文>>