
A Derived Generalized Springer Decomposition for $D$-modules on a Reductive Lie Algebra. (arXiv:1705.04297v2 [math.RT] UPDATED)

We show that the $G$-equivariant coherent derived category of $D$-modules on $\mathfrak{g}$ admits an orthogonal decomposition in to blocks indexed by cuspidal data (in the sense of Lusztig). Each block admits a monadic description in terms a certain differential graded algebra related to the homology of Steinberg varieties, which resembles a "triple affine" Hecke algebra. Our results generalize the work of Rider and Rider--Russell on constructible complexes on the nilpotent cone, and the earlier work of the author on the abelian category of equivariant $D$-modules on $\mathfrak{g}$. However, the algebra controlling the entire derived category of $D$-modules appears to be substantially more complicated than either of these special cases, as evidenced by the non-splitting of the Mackey filtration on the monad controlling each block. This paper is a sequel to arXiv:1510.02452. 查看全文>>