
Optimal Ballistic Transport and Hopf-Lax Formulae on Wasserstein Space. (arXiv:1705.05951v1 [math.AP])

We investigate the optimal mass transport problem associated to the following "ballistic" cost functional on phase space $M\times M^*$, b_T(v, x):=\inf\{\langle v, \gamma (0)\rangle +\int_0^TL(\gamma (t), {\dot \gamma}(t))\, dt; \gamma \in C^1([0, T), M); \gamma(T)=x\}, where $M=\mathbb{R}^d$, $T>0$, and $L:M\times M^* \to \mathbb{R}$ is a Lagrangian that is jointly convex in both variables. Under suitable conditions on the initial and final probability measures, we use convex duality \`a la Bolza and Monge-Kantorovich theory to lift classical Hopf-Lax formulae from state space to Wasserstein space. This allows us to relate optimal transport maps for the ballistic cost to those associated with the fixed-end cost defined on $M\times M$ by c_T(x,y):=\inf\{\int_0^TL(\gamma(t), {\dot \gamma}(t))\, dt; \gamma\in C^1([0, T), M); \gamma(0)=x, \gamma(T)=y\}. We also point to links with the theory of mean field games. 查看全文>>