
On the realization functor of the derived category of mixed motives. (arXiv:1706.04545v2 [math.AG] UPDATED)

We give an alternative construction of the Betti realization functor on the derived category of motives of complex algebraic varieties via the category of CW complexes instead of the category of complex analytic spaces. In particular we show that the functor we define via the category of CW complexes coincide with Ayoub's one. We deduce from this construction that Ayoub's realization functor on geometric motives factors trough Nori motives and that the image of this functor on the morphisms between the motive of a point and a shift of a Tate twist of the motive with compact support of a complex algebraic variety coincide with the classical cycle class map on higher Chow groups. 查看全文>>