
Thermodynamic Cost for Classical Counterdiabatic Driving. (arXiv:1706.07443v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech])

Motivated by the recent growing interest about the thermodynamic cost of Shortcuts to Adiabaticity (STA), we consider the cost of driving a classical system by the so-called Counterdiabatic Driving (CD). To do so, we proceed in three steps: first we review a general definition recently put forward in the literature for the thermodynamic cost of driving a Hamiltonian system; then we provide a new sensible definition of cost for cases where the average excess work vanishes; finally, we apply our general framework to the case of CD. Interestingly, for CD we find that our results are the exact classical counterparts of those reported in Funo et al. PRL, 118(10):100602, 2017. In particular, we show that the thermodynamic cost can be written in terms of a new metric tensor that arises as the natural equivalent of the more studied quantum metric tensor. 查看全文>>