
On Gieseker stability for Higgs sheaves. (arXiv:1603.03100v3 [math.DG] UPDATED)

We review the notion of Gieseker stability for torsion-free Higgs sheaves. This notion is a natural generalization of the classical notion of Gieseker stability for torsion-free coherent sheaves. We prove some basic properties that are similar to the classical ones for torsion-free coherent sheaves over projective algebraic manifolds. In particular, we show that Gieseker stability for torsion-free Higgs sheaves can be defined using only Higgs subsheaves with torsion-free quotients; and we show that a classical relation between Gieseker stability and Mumford-Takemoto stability extends naturally to Higgs sheaves. We also prove that a direct sum of two Higgs sheaves is Gieseker semistable if and only if the Higgs sheaves are both Gieseker semistable with equal normalized Hilbert polynomial and we prove that a classical property of morphisms between Gieseker semistable sheaves also holds in the Higgs case; as a consequence of this and the existing relation between Mumford-Takemoto stabilit 查看全文>>