
Stationary solutions for the 2D critical Dirac equation with Kerr nonlinearity. (arXiv:1706.09785v1 [math-ph])

In this paper we prove the existence of an exponentially localized stationary solution for a two-dimensional cubic Dirac equation. It appears as an effective equation in the description of nonlinear waves for some Condensed Matter (Bose-Einstein condensates) and Nonlinear Optics (optical fibers) systems. The nonlinearity is of Kerr-type, that is of the form |$\psi$| 2 $\psi$ and thus not Lorenz-invariant. We solve compactness issues related to the critical Sobolev embedding H 1 2 (R 2 , C 2) $\rightarrow$ L 4 (R 2 , C 4) thanks to a particular radial ansatz. Our proof is then based on elementary dynamical systems arguments. Contents 查看全文>>