
Superdiffusions with large mass creation --- construction and growth estimates. (arXiv:1706.09864v1 [math.PR])

Superdiffusions corresponding to differential operators of the form $\LL u+\beta u-\alpha u^{2}$ with large mass creation term $\beta$ are studied. Our construction for superdiffusions with large mass creations works for the branching mechanism $\beta u-\alpha u^{1+\gamma},\ 0<\gamma<1,$ as well. Let $D\subseteq\mathbb{R}^{d}$ be a domain in $\R^d$. When $\beta$ is large, the generalized principal eigenvalue $\lambda_c$ of $L+\beta$ in $D$ is typically infinite. Let $\{T_{t},t\ge0\}$ denote the Schr\"odinger semigroup of $L+\beta$ in $D$ with zero Dirichlet boundary condition. Under the mild assumption that there exists an $0<h\in C^{2}(D)$ so that $T_{t}h$ is finite-valued for all $t\ge 0$, we show that there is a unique $\mathcal{M}_{loc}(D)$-valued Markov process that satisfies a log-Laplace equation in terms of the minimal nonnegative solution to a semilinear initial value problem. Although for super-Brownian motion (SBM) this assumption requires $\beta$ be less than quadr 查看全文>>