
An approach to classical quantum field theory based on the geometry of locally conformally flat space-times. (arXiv:1709.00067v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)

This paper gives an introduction to certain classical physical theories described in the context of locally Minkowskian causal structures (LMCSs). For simplicity of exposition we consider LMCSs which have locally Euclidean topology (i.e. are manifolds) and hence are M\"{o}bius structures. We describe natural principal bundle structures associated with M\"{o}bius structures. Fermion fields are associated with sections of vector bundles associated to the principal bundles while interaction fields (bosons) are associated with endomorphisms of the space of fermion fields. Classical quantum field theory (the Dirac equation and Maxwell's equations) is obtained by considering representations of the structure group $K \subset SU(2;2)$ of a principal bundle associated with a given M\"{o}bius structure where $K$, while being a subset of $SU(2;2)$ is also locally isomorphic to $O(1;3)$. The analysis requires the use of an intertwining operator between the action of $K$ on $R^4$ and the adjoint ac 查看全文>>