
Distributions on homogeneous spaces and applications. (arXiv:1709.09406v1 [math.AG])

Let $G$ be a complex semisimple algebraic group. In 2006, Belkale-Kumar defined a new product $odot\_0$ on thecohomology group $H^*(G/P,{\mathbb C})$ of any projective $G$-homogeneousspace $G/P$.Their definition uses the notion of Levi-movability for triples ofSchubert varieties in $G/P$.In this article, we introduce a family of $G$-equivariant subbundlesof the tangent bundle of $G/P$ and the associated filtration of the DeRham complex of $G/P$ viewed as a manifold. As a consequence one gets a filtration of the ring $H^*(G/P,{\mathbb C})$and proves that $\odot\_0$ is the associated graded product.One of the aim of this more intrinsic construction of $\odot\_0$ isthat there is a natural notion of fundamental class$[Y]\_{\odot\_0}\in(H^*(G/P),\odot\_0)$ for any irreducible subvariety $Y$ of $G/P$.Given two Schubert classes $\sigma\_u$ and $\sigma\_v$ in$H^*(G/P)$, we define a subvariety $\Sigma\_u^v$ of $G/P$. This variety should play the role of the Richardson variety; moreprecisely, we 查看全文>>