
An approach for obtaining integrable Hamiltonians from Poisson-commuting polynomial families. (arXiv:1710.01750v1 [math-ph])

We discuss a general approach permitting the identification of a broad class of sets of Poisson-commuting Hamiltonians, which are integrable in the sense of Liouville. It is shown that all such Hamiltonians can be solved explicitly by a separation of variables {\em Ansatz}. The method leads in particular to a proof that the so-called "goldfish" Hamiltonian is maximally superintegrable, and leads to an elementary identification of a full set of integrals of motion. The Hamiltonians in involution with the "goldfish" Hamiltonian are also explicitly integrated. New integrable Hamiltonians are identified, among which some have the property of being isochronous, that is, that all their orbits have the same period. Finally, a peculiar structure is identified in the Poisson brackets between the elementary symmetric functions and the set of Hamiltonians commuting with the "goldfish" Hamiltonian: these can be expressed as products between elementary symmetric functions and Hamiltonians. The stru 查看全文>>