
Domain Decomposition Methods based on quasi-optimal transmission operators for the solution of Helmholtz transmission problems. (arXiv:1710.02694v1 [math.NA])

We present non-overlapping Domain Decomposition Methods (DDM) based on quasi-optimal transmission operators for the solution of Helmholtz transmission problems with piece-wise constant material properties. The quasi-optimal transmission boundary conditions incorporate readily available approximations of Dirichlet-to-Neumann operators. These approximations consist of either complexified hypersingular boundary integral operators for the Helmholtz equation or square root Fourier multipliers with complex wavenumbers. We show that under certain regularity assumptions on the closed interface of material discontinuity, the DDM with quasi-optimal transmission conditions are well-posed. We present a DDM framework based on Robin-to-Robin (RtR) operators that can be computed robustly via boundary integral formulations. More importantly, the use of quasi-optimal transmission operators results in DDM that converge in small numbers of iterations even in the challenging high-contrast, high-frequency 查看全文>>