
Algebraic relations between solutions of Painlev\'e equations. (arXiv:1710.03304v1 [math.LO])

We calculate model theoretic ranks of Painlev\'e equations in this article, showing in particular, that any equation in any of the Painlev\'e families has Morley rank one, extending results of Nagloo and Pillay (2011). We show that the type of the generic solution of any equation in the second Painlev\'e family is geometrically trivial, extending a result of Nagloo (2015). We also establish the orthogonality of various pairs of equations in the Painlev\'e families, showing at least generically, that all instances of nonorthogonality between equations in the same Painlev\'e family come from classically studied B{\"a}cklund transformations. For instance, we show that if at least one of $\alpha, \beta$ is transcendental, then $P_{II} (\alpha)$ is nonorthogonal to $P_{II} ( \beta )$ if and only if $\alpha+ \beta \in \mathbb Z$ or $\alpha - \beta \in \mathbb Z$. Our results have concrete interpretations in terms of characterizing the algebraic relations between solutions of Painlev\'e equat 查看全文>>