
Cytometry inference through adaptive atomic deconvolution. (arXiv:1710.04023v1 [math.ST])

In this paper we consider a statistical estimation problem known as atomic deconvolution. Introduced in reliability, this model has a direct application when considering biological data produced by flow cytometers. In these experiments, biologists measure the fluorescence emission of treated cells and compare them with their natural emission to study the presence of specific molecules on the cells' surface. They observe a signal which is composed of a noise (the natural fluorescence) plus some additional signal related to the quantity of molecule present on the surface if any. From a statistical point of view, we aim at inferring the percentage of cells expressing the selected molecule and the probability distribution function associated with its fluorescence emission. We propose here an adap-tive estimation procedure based on a previous deconvolution procedure introduced by [vEGS08, GvES11]. For both estimating the mixing parameter and the mixing density automatically, we use the Leps 查看全文>>