
Decentralized Online Learning with Kernels. (arXiv:1710.04062v1 [math.OC])

We consider multi-agent stochastic optimization problems over reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS). In this setting, a network of interconnected agents aims to learn decision functions, i.e., nonlinear statistical models, that are optimal in terms of a global convex functional that aggregates data across the network, with only access to locally and sequentially observed samples. We propose solving this problem by allowing each agent to learn a local regression function while enforcing consensus constraints. We use a penalized variant of functional stochastic gradient descent operating simultaneously with low-dimensional subspace projections. These subspaces are constructed greedily by applying orthogonal matching pursuit to the sequence of kernel dictionaries and weights. By tuning the projection-induced bias, we propose an algorithm that allows for each individual agent to learn, based upon its locally observed data stream and message passing with its neighbors only, a regression 查看全文>>