
On hyperbolic attractors and repellers of endomorphisms. (arXiv:1711.03338v1 [math.DS])

It is well known that topological classification of dynamical systems with hyperbolic dynamics is significantly defined by dynamics on nonwandering set. F. Przytycki generalized axiom $A$ for smooth endomorphisms that was previously introduced by S. Smale for diffeomorphisms and proved spectral decomposition theorem which claims that nonwandering set of an $A$-endomorphism is a union of a finite number basic sets. In present paper the criterion for a basic sets of an $A$-endomorphism to be an attractor is given. Moreover, dynamics on basic sets of codimension one is studied. It is shown, that if an attractor is a topological submanifold of codimension one of type $(n-1, 1)$, then it is smoothly embedded in ambient manifold and restriction of the endomorphism to this basic set is an expanding endomorphism. If a basic set of type $(n, 0)$ is a topological submanifold of codimension one, then it is a repeller and restriction of the endomorphism to this basic set is also an expanding endom 查看全文>>