
Catalan States of Lattice Crossing: Application of Plucking Polynomial. (arXiv:1711.05328v1 [math.GT])

For a Catalan state $C$ of a lattice crossing $L\left( m,n\right) $ with no returns on one side, we find its coefficient $C\left( A\right) $ in the Relative Kauffman Bracket Skein Module expansion of $L\left( m,n\right) $. We show, in particular, that $C\left( A\right) $ can be found using the plucking polynomial of a rooted tree with a delay function associated to $C$. Furthermore, for $C$ with returns on one side only, we prove that $C\left( A\right) $ is a product of Gaussian polynomials, and its coefficients form a unimodal sequence. 查看全文>>