
Coupled regularization with multiple data discrepancies. (arXiv:1711.11512v1 [math.OC])

We consider a class of regularization methods for inverse problems where a coupled regularization is employed for the simultaneous reconstruction of data from multiple sources. Applications for such a setting can be found in multi-spectral or multi-modality inverse problems, but also in inverse problems with dynamic data. We consider this setting in a rather general framework and derive stability and convergence results, including convergence rates. In particular, we show how parameter choice strategies adapted to the interplay of different data channels allow to improve upon convergence rates that would be obtained by merging all channels into one. Motivated by concrete applications, our results are obtained under rather general assumptions that allow to include the Kullback Leibler divergence as data discrepancy term. To simplify their application to concrete settings, we further elaborate several practically relevant special cases in detail. To complement the analytical results, we 查看全文>>