

  • Einsum Is All You Need – Einstein Summation in Deep Learning (2018)

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  • This paper deals with singularities of genus 2 curves on a general (d_1,d_2)-polarized abelian surface (S,L). In analogy with Chen's results concerning rational curves on K3 surfaces [Ch1,Ch2], it is natural to ask whether all such curves are nodal. We prove that this holds true if and only if d_2 is not divisible by 4. In the cases where d_2 is a multiple of 4, we exhibit genus 2 curves in |L| that have a triple, 4-tuple or 6-tuple point. We show that these are the only possible types of unnodal singularities of a genus 2 curve in |L|. Furthermore, with no assumption on d_1 and d_2, we prove the existence of at least a nodal curve in |L|. As a corollary, we obtain nonemptiness of all Severi varieties on general abelian surfaces and hence generalize [KLM, Thm 1.1] to nonprimitive polarizations.

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  • Model shows how black hole plasma jets form: may reveal event horizon details.

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  • Skeptical judges question FCC's justification of net neutrality repeal.

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    CSS-In-JS and Static Rendering

    02-02 Hacker News 11336

    CSS-In-JS and Static Rendering

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  • A key theorem formulated in the context of functional Mellin transforms generalizes the important relationship $\exp\mathrm{tr} M=\det\exp M$. Along with the involution symmetry of the zeta function, the theorem suggests a strategy for tackling the Riemann hypothesis.

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  • Anti-elementarity is a strong way of ensuring that a class of structures , in a given first-order language, is not closed under elementary equivalence with respect to any infinitary language of the form $\mathscr{L}_{\infty\lambda}$. We prove that many naturally defined classes are anti-elementary, including the following: $\bullet$ the class of all lattices of finitely generated convex $\ell$-subgroups of members of any class of $\ell$-groups containing all Archimedean $\ell$-groups; $\bullet$ the class of all semilattices of finitely generated $\ell$-ideals of members of any nontrivial quasivariety of $\ell$-groups; $\bullet$ the class of all Stone duals of spectra of MV-algebras-this yields a negative solution for the MV-spectrum Problem; $\bullet$ the class of all semilattices of finitely generated two-sided ideals of rings; $\bullet$ the class of all semilattices of finitely generated submodules of modules; $\bullet$ the class of all monoids encoding the nonstable K$_0$-theory of

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  • We introduce formal deformation theory of module homomorphisms. To study this we introduce a deformation cohomology of module homomorphisms.

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  • Fuglede's conjecture in $\mathbb{Z}_{p}^{d}$, $p$ a prime, says that a subset $E$ tiles $\mathbb{Z}_{p}^{d}$ by translation if and only if $E$ is spectral, meaning any complex-valued function $f$ on $E$ can be written as a linear combination of characters orthogonal with respect to $E$. We disprove Fuglede's conjecture in $\mathbb{Z}_p^4$ for all odd primes $p$, by using log-Hadamard matrices to exhibit spectral sets of size $2p$ which do not tile, extending the result of Aten et al. that the conjecture fails in $\mathbb{Z}_p^4$ for primes $p \equiv 3 \pmod 4$ and in $\mathbb{Z}_p^5$ for all odd primes $p$. We also prove the conjecture in $\mathbb{Z}_2^4$, resolving all cases of four-dimensional vector spaces over prime fields. We give an example showing that our simple proof method does not extend to higher dimensions. However, we include a link to a computer program which the authors have used to verify that, nevertheless, the conjecture holds in $\mathbb{Z}_2^5$ and $\mathbb{Z}_2^6$

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  • We discuss the extent to which solutions to one-phase free boundary problems can be characterized according to their topological complexity. Our questions are motivated by fundamental work of Luis Caffarelli on free boundaries and by striking results of T. Colding and W. Minicozzi concerning finitely connected, embedded, minimal surfaces. We review our earlier work on the simplest case, one-phase free boundaries in the plane in which the positive phase is simply connected. We also prove a new, purely topological, effective removable singularities theorem for free boundaries. At the same time, we formulate some open problems concerning the multiply connected case and make connections with the theory of minimal surfaces and semilinear variational problems.

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  • We consider sentence-definable and diagram-definable subfamilies of given families of theories, calculi for these subfamilies, as well dynamics and characteristics of these subfamilies with respect to rank and degree.

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  • We consider the problem of counting the number of rational points on the family of Kummer surfaces associated with two non-isogenous elliptic curves. For this two-parameter family we prove Manin's unity, using the presentation of the Kummer surfaces as isotrivial elliptic fibration and as double cover of the modular elliptic surface of level two. By carrying out the rational point-count with respect to either of the two elliptic fibrations explicitly, we obtain an interesting new identity between two-parameter counting functions.

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  • We consider the number of critical points of a stationary planar Gaussian field, restricted to a large domain, whose heights lie in a certain interval. Asymptotics for the mean of this quantity are simple to establish via the Kac-Rice formula, and recently Estrade and Fournier proved a second moment bound that is optimal in the case that the height interval does not depend on the size of the domain. Here we establish a bound that remains optimal in the more delicate case of height windows that are shrinking with the size of the domain.

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  • Singular boundary value problems (SBVPs) arise in various fields of Mathematics, Engineering and Physics such as boundary layer theory, gas dynamics, nuclear physics, nonlinear optics, etc. The present monograph is devoted to systems of SBVPs for ordinary differential equations (ODEs). It presents existence theory for a variety of problems having unbounded nonlinearities in regions where their solutions are searched for. The main focus is to establish the existence of positive solutions. The results are based on regularization and sequential procedure. First chapter of this monograph describe the motivation for the study of SBVPs. It also include some available results from functional analysis and fixed point theory. The following chapters contain results from author's PhD thesis, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan. These results provide the existence of positive solutions for a variety of systems of SBVPs having singularity with respect to independent

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  • For a low-mobile Poisson bipolar network and under line-of-sight/non-line-of-sight (LOS/NLOS) path-loss model, we study repetitive retransmissions (RR) and blocked incremental redundancy (B-IR). We consider spatially-coded multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) zero-forcing beamforming (ZFBF) multiplexing system, whereby the packet success reception is determined based on the aggregate data rate across spatial dimensions of the MIMO system. Characterization of retransmission performance in this low-mobile configuration is practically important, but inherently complex due to a substantial rate correlation across retransmissions and intractability of evaluating the probability density function (pdf) of aggregate data rate. Adopting tools of stochastic geometry, we firstly characterize the rate correlation coefficient (RCC) for both schemes. Our results show that, compared to RR scheme, B-IR scheme has higher RCC while its coverage probability is substantially larger. We demonstrate that t

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  • Why researchers at the year’s biggest AI conference focused on how to keep human bias out of computer algorithms.

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  • This is a survey of approximate cloaking using transformation optics for acoustic and electromagnetic waves.

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  • We investigate the behavior of Boolean dimension with respect to components and blocks. To put our results in context, we note that for Dushnik-Miller dimension, we have that if $\dim(C)\le d$ for every component $C$ of a poset $P$, then $\dim(P)\le \max\{2,d\}$; also if $\dim(B)\le d$ for every block $B$ of a poset $P$, then $\dim(P)\le d+2$. By way of constrast, local dimension is well behaved with respect to components, but not for blocks: if $\text{ldim}(C)\le d$ for every component $C$ of a poset $P$, then $\text{ldim}(P)\le d+2$; however, for every $d\ge 4$, there exists a poset $P$ with $\text{ldim}(P)=d$ and $\dim(B)\le 3$ for every block $B$ of $P$. In this paper we show that Boolean dimension behaves like Dushnik-Miller dimension with respect to both components and blocks: if $\text{bdim}(C)\le d$ for every component $C$ of $P$, then $\text{bdim}(P)\le 2+d+4\cdot2^d$; also if $\text{bdim}(B)\le d$ for every block of $P$, then $\text{bdim}(P)\le 19+d+18\cdot 2^d$.

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  • Inspired by a PDE-ODE system of aggregation developed in the biomathematical literature, an interacting particle system representing aggregation at the level of individuals is investigated. It is proved that the empirical density of the individual converges to solution of the PDE-ODE system.

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  • We present, to the best of the authors' knowledge, all known results for the crossing numbers of specific graphs and graph families. The results are separated into various categories; specifically, results for general graph families, results for graphs arising from various graph products, and results for recursive graph constructions.

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  • In this note, we extend work of Farkas and Rim\'anyi on applying quadric rank loci to finding divisors of small slope on the moduli space of curves by instead considering all divisorial conditions on the hypersurfaces of a fixed degree containing a projective curve. This gives rise to a large family of virtual divisors on $\overline{\mathcal{M}_g}$. We determine explicitly which of these divisors are candidate counterexamples to the Slope Conjecture. The potential counterexamples exist on $\overline{\mathcal{M}_g}$, where the set of possible values of $g\in \{1,\ldots,N\}$ has density $\Omega(\log(N)^{-0.087})$ for $N>>0$. Furthermore, no divisorial condition defined using hypersurfaces of degree greater than 2 give counterexamples to the Slope Conjecture, and every divisor in our family has slope at least $6+\frac{8}{g+1}$.

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  • This paper introduces a hierarchical interpolative decomposition butterfly-LU factorization (H-IDBF-LU) preconditioner for solving two-dimensional electric-field integral equations (EFIEs) in electromagnetic scattering problems of perfect electrically conducting objects with open surfaces. H-IDBF-LU leverages the interpolative decomposition butterfly factorization (IDBF) to compress dense blocks of the discretized EFIE operator to expedite its application; this compressed operator also serves as an approximate LU factorization of the EFIE operator leading to an efficient preconditioner in iterative solvers. Both the memory requirement and computational cost of the H-IDBF-LU solver scale as $O(N\log^2 N)$ in one iteration; the total number of iterations required for a reasonably good accuracy scales as $O(1)$ to $O(\log^2N)$ in all of our numerical tests. The efficacy and accuracy of the proposed preconditioned iterative solver are demonstrated via its application to a broad range of sc

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  • Let $p$ be an odd prime with $p\equiv1\bmod 4$. Then for any odd power $q$ of $p$ and a positive integer $j$ we show that the groups $\text{Sp}_{p^j+1}(q),\text{PSp}_{p^j+1}(q)$, and their Sylow $p$-subgroups are non-$FSZ_{p^j}$.

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  • Engineers from Johns Hopkins reinvent the humble stethoscope to save lives

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  • Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) is a linear dimensionality reduction technique for analyzing nonnegative data. A key aspect of NMF is the choice of the objective function that depends on the noise model (or statistics of the noise) assumed on the data. In many applications, the noise model is unknown and difficult to estimate. In this paper, we define a multi-objective NMF (MO-NMF) problem, where several objectives are combined within the same NMF model. We propose to use Lagrange duality to judiciously optimize for a set of weights to be used within the framework of the weighted-sum approach, that is, we minimize a single objective function which is a weighted sum of the all objective functions. We design a simple algorithm using multiplicative updates to minimize this weighted sum. We show how this can be used to find distributionally robust NMF (DR-NMF) solutions, that is, solutions that minimize the largest error among all objectives. We illustrate the effectiveness of this

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  • We recall some of the fundamental achievements of formal deformation quantization to argue that one of the most important remaining problems is the question of convergence. Here we discuss different approaches found in the literature so far. The recent developments of finding convergence conditions are then outlined in three basic examples: the Weyl star product for constant Poisson structures, the Gutt star product for linear Poisson structures, and the Wick type star product on the Poincar\'e disc.

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  • This paper studies curves on quartic K3 surfaces, or more generally K3 surfaces which are complete intersection in weighted projective spaces. A folklore conjecture concerning rational curves on K3 surfaces states that all K3 surfaces contain infinite number of irreducible rational curves. It is known that all K3 surfaces, except those contained in the countable union of hypersurfaces in the moduli space of K3 surfaces satisfy this property. In this paper we present a new approach for constructing curves on varieties which admit nice degenerations. We apply this technique to the above problem and prove that there is a Zariski open dense subset in the moduli space of quartic K3 surfaces whose members satisfy the conjecture. Various other curves of positive genus can be also constructed.

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  • We show that if $M$ is a sub-Riemannian manifold and $N$ is a Carnot group such that the nilpotentization of $M$ at almost every point is isomorphic to $N$, then there are subsets of $N$ of positive measure that embed into $M$ by bilipschitz maps. Furthermore, $M$ is countably $N$--rectifiable, i.e., all of $M$ except for a null set can be covered by countably many such maps.

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  • Dimension profiles were introduced in [8,11] to give a formula for the box-counting and packing dimensions of the orthogonal projections of a set $R^n$ onto almost all $m$-dimensional subspaces. However, these definitions of dimension profiles are indirect and are hard to work with. Here we firstly give alternative definitions of dimension profiles in terms of capacities of $E$ with respect to certain kernels, which lead to the box-counting and packing dimensions of projections fairly easily, including estimates on the size of the exceptional sets of subspaces where the dimension of projection is smaller the typical value. Secondly, we argue that with this approach projection results for different types of dimension may be thought of in a unified way. Thirdly, we use a Fourier transform method to obtain further inequalities on the size of the exceptional subspaces.

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  • Let $W$ be a manifold with boundary $M$ given together with a conformal class $\bar C$ which restricts to a conformal class $C$ on $M$. Then the relative Yamabe constant $Y_{\bar C}(W,M;C)$ is well-defined. We study the short-time behavior of the relative Yamabe constant $Y_{[\bar g_t]}(W,M;C)$ under the Ricci flow $\bar g_t$ on $W$ with boundary conditions that mean curvature $H_{\bar g_t}\equiv 0$ and $\bar{g}_t|_M\in C = [\bar{g}_0]$. In particular, we show that if the initial metric $\bar{g}_0$ is a Yamabe metric, then, under some natural assumptions, $\left.\frac{d}{dt}\right|_{t=0}Y_{[\bar g_t]}(W,M;C)\geq 0$ and is equal to zero if and only the metric $\bar{g}_0$ is Einstein.

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  • Thomassen formulated the following conjecture: Every $3$-connected cubic graph has a red-blue vertex coloring such that the blue subgraph has maximum degree $1$ (that is, it consists of a matching and some isolated vertices) and the red subgraph has minimum degree at least $1$ and contains no $3$-edge path. We prove the conjecture for Generalized Petersen graphs. We indicate that a coloring with the same properties might exist for any subcubic graph. We confirm this statement for all subcubic trees.

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  • In this note we review recent progress in the problem of mixing for a nonlinear PDE of parabolic type, perturbed by a bounded random force.

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  • Let $\text{Mod}(S_g)$ be the mapping class group of the closed orientable surface $S_g$ of genus $g\geq 2$. In this paper, we derive necessary and sufficient conditions for two finite-order mapping classes to have commuting conjugates in $\text{Mod}(S_g)$. As an application of this result, we show that any finite-order mapping class, whose corresponding orbifold is not a sphere, has a conjugate that lifts under any finite-sheeted cover of $S_g$. Furthermore, we show that any torsion element in the centralizer of an irreducible finite order mapping class is of order at most $2$. We also obtain conditions for the primitivity of a finite-order mapping class. Finally, we describe a procedure for determining the explicit hyperbolic structures that realize two-generator finite abelian groups of $\text{Mod}(S_g)$ as isometry groups.

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  • Grin, a strange new coin that runs on a technology called MimbleWimble, has captured the blockchain world’s imagination.

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  • In this paper, we examine some properties of the fixed point set of a digitally continuous function. The digital setting requires new methods that are not analogous to those of classical topological fixed point theory, and we obtain results that often differ greatly from standard results in classical topology. We introduce several measures related to fixed points for continuous self-maps on digital images, and study their properties. Perhaps the most important of these is the fixed point spectrum $F(X)$ of a digital image: that is, the set of all numbers that can appear as the number of fixed points for some continuous self-map. We give a complete computation of $F(C_n)$ where $C_n$ is the digital cycle of $n$ points. For other digital images, we show that, if $X$ has at least 4 points, then $F(X)$ always contains the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, and the cardinality of $X$. We give several examples, including $C_n$, in which $F(X)$ does not equal $\{0,1,\dots,\#X\}$. We examine how fixed point

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  • Kontsevich and Manin gave a formula for the number $N_e$ of rational plane curves of degree $e$ through $3e-1$ points in general position in the plane. When these $3e-1$ points have coordinates in the rational numbers, the corresponding set of $N_e$ rational curves has a natural Galois-module structure. We make some extremely preliminary investigations into this Galois module structure, and relate this to the deck transformations of the generic fibre of the product of the evaluation maps on the moduli space of maps. We then study the asymptotics of the number of rational points on hypersurfaces of low degree, and use this to generalise our results by replacing the projective plane by such a hypersurface.

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  • Calabi observed that there is a natural correspondence between the solutions of the minimal surface equation in $\mathbb{R}^3$ with those of the maximal spacelike surface equation in $\mathbb{L}^3$. We are going to show how this correspondence can be extended to the family of $\varphi $-minimal graphs in $\mathbb{R}^3 $ when the function $\varphi$ is invariant under a two-parametric group of translations. We give also applications in the study and description of new examples.

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  • Let $K$ be a Henselian, non-trivially valued field with separated analytic structure. We prove the existence of definable retractions onto an arbitrary closed definable subset of $K^{n}$. Hence directly follow definable non-Archimedean versions of the extension theorems by Tietze--Urysohn and Dugundji. This generalizes our previous paper dealing with complete non-Archimedean fields with separated power series and remains true for Henselian valued fields with strictly convergent analytic structure, because every such a structure can be extended in a definitional way to a separated analytic structure. Our proof uses a variant of the one from that paper, based on canonical resolution of singularities, and a model-theoretic compactness argument.

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  • We prove that the KLR algebra associated with the cyclic quiver of length $e$ is a subquotient of the KLR algebra associated with the cyclic quiver of length $e+1$. We also give a geometric interpretation of this fact. This result has an important application in the theory of categorical representations. We prove that a category with an action of $\widetilde{\mathfrak{sl}}_{e+1}$ contains a subcategory with an action of $\widetilde{\mathfrak{sl}}_{e}$. We also give generalizations of these results to more general quivers and Lie types.

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  • In this paper we improve upon in terms of S the best known effective upper bounds for the solutions of S-unit equations and decomposable form equations.

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  • In this work we consider the following class of fractional $p\&q$ Laplacian problems \begin{equation*} (-\Delta)_{p}^{s}u+ (-\Delta)_{q}^{s}u + V(\varepsilon x) (|u|^{p-2}u + |u|^{q-2}u)= f(u) \mbox{ in } \mathbb{R}^{N}, \end{equation*} where $\varepsilon>0$ is a parameter, $s\in (0, 1)$, $1< p<q<\frac{N}{s}$, $(-\Delta)^{s}_{t}$, with $t\in \{p,q\}$, is the fractional $t$-Laplacian operator, $V:\mathbb{R}^{N}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is a continuous potential and $f:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is a $\mathcal{C}^{1}$-function with subcritical growth. Applying minimax theorems and the Ljusternik-Schnirelmann theory, we investigate the existence, multiplicity and concentration of nontrivial solutions provided that $\varepsilon$ is sufficiently small.

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  • Recently, in the paper \cite{CJKM1} we suggested the two conjectures about the diameter of io-decomposable Riordan graphs of the Bell type. In this paper, we give a counterexample for the first conjecture. Then we prove that the first conjecture is true for the graphs of some particular size and propose a new conjecture. Finally, we show that the second conjecture is true for some special io-decomposable Riordan graphs.

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  • In this paper, a modified van der Pol oscillator equation is considered which appears in several heart action models. We study its global dynamics and verify many interesting bifurcations such as a Hopf bifurcation, a heteroclinic saddle connection, and a homoclinic saddle connection. Some of these bifurcations are detected by using Conley index methods. We demonstrate how the study of connection matrices and transition matrices shows how to select interesting parameter values for simulations.

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  • We show that the geometry of $4n$-dimensional quaternionic K\"ahler spaces with a locally free $\mathbb{R}^{n+1}$-action admits a Gibbons-Hawking-like description based on the Galicki-Lawson notion of quaternionic K\"ahler moment map. This generalizes to higher dimensions a four-dimensional construction of Calderbank and Pedersen of self-dual manifolds with two linearly independent commuting Killing vector fields. As an application, we use this new Ansatz to give an explicit equivariant completion of the twistor space construction of the local c-map proposed by Ro\v{c}ek, Vafa and Vandoren.

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  • Using dual perturbation theory in a non-sun-reflexive context, we establish a correspondence between 1. a class of nonlinear abstract delay differential equations (DDEs) with unbounded linear part and an unknown taking values in an arbitrary Banach space and 2. a class of abstract weak* integral equations of convolution type involving the sun-star adjoint of a translation-like strongly continuous semigroup. For this purpose we also characterize the sun dual of the underlying state space. More generally we consider bounded linear perturbations of an arbitrary strongly continuous semigroup and we comment on some implications for the particular case of abstract DDEs.

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  • The presented splitting lemma extends the techniques of Gromov and Forstneri\v{c} to glue local sections of a given analytic sheaf, a key step in the proof of all Oka principles. The novelty on which the proof depends is a lifting lemma for transition maps of coherent sheaves, which yields a reduction of the proof to the work of Forstneri\v{c}. As applications we get shortcuts in the proofs of Forster and Ramspott's Oka principle for admissible pairs and of the interpolation property of sections of elliptic submersions, an extension of Gromov's results obtained by Forstneri\v{c} and Prezelj.

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  • Given two $\left( n+1\right) \times\left( n+1\right)$-matrices $A$ and $B$ over a commutative ring, and some $k\in\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,n\right\}$, we consider the $\dbinom{n}{k}\times\dbinom{n}{k}$-matrix $W$ whose entries are $\left( k+1\right) \times\left( k+1\right)$-minors of $A$ multiplied by corresponding $\left( k+1\right) \times\left( k+1\right)$-minors of $B$. Here we require the minors to use the last row and the last column (which is why we obtain an $\dbinom{n}{k}\times\dbinom{n}{k}$-matrix, not a $\dbinom{n+1}{k+1}\times\dbinom{n+1}{k+1}$-matrix). We prove that the determinant $\det W$ is a multiple of $\det A$ if the $\left( n+1,n+1\right)$-th entry of $B$ is $0$. Furthermore, if the $\left( n+1,n+1\right)$-th entries of both $A$ and $B$ are $0$, then $\det W$ is a multiple of $\left( \det A\right) \left( \det B\right)$. This extends a previous result of Olver and the author ( arXiv:1802.02900 ).

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  • We investigate the effect of surface tension on the linear Rayleigh--Taylor (RT) instability in stratified incompressible viscous fluids with or without (interface) surface tension. The existence of linear RT instability solutions with largest growth rate $\Lambda$ is proved under the instability condition (i.e., the surface tension coefficient $\vartheta$ is less than a threshold $\vartheta_{\mm{c}}$) by modified variational method of PDEs. Moreover we find a new upper bound for $\Lambda$. In particular, we observe from the upper bound that $\Lambda$ decreasingly converges to zero, as $\vartheta$ goes from zero to the threshold $\vartheta_{\mm{c}}$. The convergence behavior of $\Lambda$ mathematically verifies the classical RT instability experiment that the instability growth is limited by surface tension during the linear stage.

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  • We introduce the $2$-nodal spherical deformation of certain singular fibers of genus $2$ fibrations, and use such deformations to construct various examples of simply connected minimal symplectic $4$-manifolds with small topology. More specifically, we construct new exotic minimal symplectic $4$-manifolds homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to ${\mathbb{CP}}^{2}\#6({\overline{\mathbb{CP}}^{2}})$, ${\mathbb{CP}}^{2}\#7({\overline{\mathbb{CP}}^{2}})$, and $3{\mathbb{CP}}^{2}\#k({\overline{\mathbb{CP}}^{2}})$ for $k=16, 17, 18, 19$ using combinations of such deformations, symplectic blowups, and (generalized) rational blowdown surgery. We also discuss generalizing our constructions to higher genus fibrations using $g$-nodal spherical deformations of certain singular fibers of genus $g \geq 3$ fibrations.

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  • Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have recently found abundant applications in the public and civil domains. To ensure reliable control and navigation, connecting UAVs to controllers via existing cellular network infrastructure, i.e., ground base stations (GBSs), has been proposed as a promising solution. Nevertheless, it is highly challenging to characterize the communication performance of cellular-connected UAVs, due to their unique propagation conditions. This paper proposes a tractable framework for the coverage analysis of cellular-connected UAV networks, which consists of a new blockage model and an effective approach to handle general fading channels. In particular, a line-of-sight (LoS) ball model is proposed to capture the probabilistic propagation in UAV communication systems, and a tractable expression is derived for the Laplace transform of the aggregate interference with general Nakagami fading. This framework leads to a tractable expression for the coverage probability, wh

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  • We initiate the study of Boolean function analysis on high-dimensional expanders. We give a random-walk based definition of high dimensional expansion, which coincides with the earlier definition in terms of two-sided link expanders. Using this definition, we describe an analogue of the Fourier expansion and the Fourier levels of the Boolean hypercube for simplicial complexes. Our analogue is a decomposition into approximate eigenspaces of random walks associated with the simplicial complexes. We then use this decomposition to extend the Friedgut-Kalai-Naor theorem to high-dimensional expanders. Our results demonstrate that a high-dimensional expander can sometimes serve as a sparse model for the Boolean slice or hypercube, and quite possibly additional results from Boolean function analysis can be carried over to this sparse model. Therefore, this model can be viewed as a derandomization of the Boolean slice, containing only $|X(k-1)|=O(n)$ points in contrast to $\binom{n}{k}$ points

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  • Cryptocurrency, biohacking, and the fantastic plan for transgenic humans.

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  • We present a framework for characterizing injectivity of classes of maps (on cosets of a linear subspace) by injectivity of classes of matrices. Using our formalism, we characterize injectivity of several classes of maps, including generalized monomial and monotonic (not necessarily continuous) maps. In fact, monotonic maps are special cases of {\em component-wise affine} maps. Further, we study compositions of maps with a matrix and other composed maps, in particular, rational functions. Our framework covers classical injectivity criteria based on mean value theorems for vector-valued maps and recent results obtained in the study of chemical reaction networks.

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  • It is known that the following five counting problems lead to the same integer sequence~$f_t(n)$: the number of nonequivalent compact Huffman codes of length~$n$ over an alphabet of $t$ letters, the number of `nonequivalent' canonical rooted $t$-ary trees (level-greedy trees) with $n$~leaves, the number of `proper' words, the number of bounded degree sequences, and the number of ways of writing $1= \frac{1}{t^{x_1}}+ \dots + \frac{1}{t^{x_n}}$ with integers $0 \leq x_1 \leq x_2 \leq \dots \leq x_n$. In this work, we show that one can compute this sequence for \textbf{all} $n<N$ with essentially one power series division. In total we need at most $N^{1+\varepsilon}$ additions and multiplications of integers of $cN$ bits, $c<1$, or $N^{2+\varepsilon}$ bit operations, respectively. This improves an earlier bound by Even and Lempel who needed $O(N^3)$ operations in the integer ring or $O(N^4)$ bit operations, respectively.

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  • We study stochastic differential equations (SDEs) of McKean-Vlasov type with distribution dependent drifts and driven by pure jump L\'{e}vy processes. We prove a uniform in time propagation of chaos result, providing quantitative bounds on convergence rate of interacting particle systems with L\'{e}vy noise to the corresponding McKean-Vlasov SDE. By applying techniques that combine couplings, appropriately constructed $L^1$-Wasserstein distances and Lyapunov functions, we show exponential convergence of solutions of such SDEs to their stationary distributions. Our methods allow us to obtain results that are novel even for a broad class of L\'{e}vy-driven SDEs with distribution independent coefficients.

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  • Our aim is to study the existence and uniqueness of the $L^{p}$ - variational solution, with $p>1,$ of the following multivalued backward stochastic differential equation with $p$-integrable data: \[ \left\{ \begin{align*} &-dY_{t}+\partial_{y}\Psi\left( t,Y_{t}\right) dQ_{t} \ni H\left( t,Y_{t},Z_{t}\right) dQ_{t}-Z_{t}dB_{t},\;t\in\left[ 0,T\right] ,\\ &Y_{T} =\eta, \end{align*} \right. \] where $Q$ is a progresivelly measurable increasing continuous stochastic process and $\partial_{y}\Psi$ is the subdifferential of the convex lower semicontinuous function $y\mapsto\Psi(t,y)$. In the framework $p\geq2$ of Maticiuc, R\u{a}\c{s}canu from [Bernoulli, 2015], the strong solution found it there is the unique variational solution, via the uniqueness property proved in the present article.

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  • Consider the minimization of a nonconvex differentiable function over a polyhedron. A popular primal-dual first-order method for this problem is to perform a gradient projection iteration for the augmented Lagrangian function and then update the dual multiplier vector using the constraint residual. However, numerical examples show that this approach can exhibit "oscillation" and may not converge. In this paper, we propose a proximal alternating direction method of multipliers for the multi-block version of this problem. A distinctive feature of this method is the introduction of a "smoothed" (i.e., exponentially weighted) sequence of primal iterates, and the inclusion, at each iteration, to the augmented Lagrangian function a quadratic proximal term centered at the current smoothed primal iterate. The resulting proximal augmented Lagrangian function is inexactly minimized (via a gradient projection step) at each iteration while the dual multiplier vector is updated using the residual o

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  • Extending earlier work by Sommers and Tymoczko, in 2016 Abe, Barakat, Cuntz, Hoge, and Terao established that each arrangement of ideal type $\mathcal{A}_\mathcal{I}$ stemming from an ideal $\mathcal{I}$ in the set of positive roots of a reduced root system is free. Recently, R\"ohrle showed that a large class of the $\mathcal{A}_\mathcal{I}$ satisfy the stronger property of inductive freeness and conjectured that this property holds for all $\mathcal{A}_\mathcal{I}$. In this article, we confirm this conjecture.

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  • We looked at a method for estimating the complexity measure of game tree size (the number of legal games). It seems effective for a number of children's games such as Tic-Tac-Toe, Connect Four and Othello.

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  • In this paper we study axially symmetric solutions of Allen-Cahn equation with finite Morse index. It is shown that there does not exist such a solution in dimensions between $4$ and $10$. In dimension $3$, we prove that these solutions have finitely many ends. Furthermore, the solution has exactly two ends if its Morse index equals $1$.

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  • We consider a one-dimensional analogue of the three-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation for bosons. The latter is still only partially understood, and, in particular, the physically relevant question of whether this equation has solutions which form a Bose-Einstein condensate has remained unanswered. After a change of variables, we establish global-in-time existence and uniqueness for our 1D model (and generalisations thereof) using the concept of viscosity solutions. We show that such solutions enjoy good regularity properties, which guarantee that in the original variables blow-up can only occur at the origin and with a fixed spatial profile, up to leading order, following a power law linked to the steady states of the equation. This enables us to extend entropy methods beyond the first blow-up time. As a consequence, in the mass-supercritical case, solutions will blow up in $L^\infty$ in finite time and - understood in an extended, measure-valued sense - they will eventually have a c

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  • A nested Schur complement solver is proposed for iterative solution of linear systems arising in exponential and implicit time integration of the Maxwell equations with perfectly matched layer (PML) nonreflecting boundary conditions. These linear systems are the so-called double saddle point systems whose structure is handled by the Schur complement solver in a nested, two-level fashion. The solver is demonstrated to have a mesh-independent convergence at the outer level, whereas the inner level system is of elliptic type and thus can be treated efficiently by a variety of solvers.

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  • Derived equivalences of twisted K3 surfaces induce twisted Hodge isometries between them; that is, isomorphisms of their cohomologies which respect certain natural lattice structures and Hodge structures. We prove a criterion for when a given Hodge isometry arises in this way. In particular, we describe the image of the representation which associates to any autoequivalence of a twisted K3 surface its realization in cohomology: this image is a subgroup of index one or two in the group of all Hodge isometries of the twisted K3 surface. We show that both indices can occur.

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  • Presented is a method to compute certain classes of Hamilton-Jacobi equations that result from optimal control and trajectory generation problems with time delays. Many robotic control and trajectory problems have limited information of the operating environment a priori and must continually perform online trajectory optimization in real time after collecting measurements. The sensing and optimization can induce a significant time delay, and must be accounted for when computing the trajectory. This paper utilizes the generalized Hopf formula, which avoids the use of grids and numerical gradients that is typical of other methods for computing solutions to the Hamilton-Jacobi equation, which suffer exponential dimensional scaling. We present as an example a robot that incrementally predicts a communication channel from measurements as it travels. As part of this example, we introduce a seemingly new generalization of a non-parametric formulation of robotic communication channel estimatio

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  • We present an information theoretic proof of the nonsignalling multiprover parallel repetition theorem, a recent extension of its two-prover variant that underlies many hardness of approximation results. The original proofs used de Finetti type decomposition for strategies. We present a new proof that is based on a technique we introduced recently for proving strong converse results in multiuser information theory and entails a change of measure after replacing hard information constraints with soft ones.

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  • Beijing has approved four new reactors after a two-year pause, according to Chinese media.

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  • Detecting the components common or correlated across multiple data sets is challenging due to a large number of possible correlation structures among the components. Even more challenging is to determine the precise structure of these correlations. Traditional work has focused on determining only the model order, i.e., the dimension of the correlated subspace, a number that depends on how the model-order problem is defined. Moreover, identifying the model order is often not enough to understand the relationship among the components in different data sets. We aim at solving the complete modelselection problem, i.e., determining which components are correlated across which data sets. We prove that the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the normalized covariance matrix of the composite data vector, under certain conditions, completely characterize the underlying correlation structure. We use these results to solve the model-selection problem by employing bootstrap-based hypothesis testing.

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  • We establish the rectifiability of measures satisfying a linear PDE constraint. The obtained rectifiability dimensions are optimal for many usual PDE operators, including all first-order systems and all second-order scalar operators. In particular, our general theorem provides a new proof of the rectifiability results for functions of bounded variations (BV) and functions of bounded deformation (BD). For divergence-free tensors we obtain refinements and new proofs of several known results on the rectifiability of varifolds and defect measures.

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  • Apple has now shut down Google’s ability to distribute its internal iOS apps, following a similar shutdown that was issued to Facebook earlier this week. A person familiar with the situation tells The Verge that early versions of Google Maps, Hangouts, Gmail, and other pre-release beta apps have stopped working today, alongside employee-only apps like a Gbus app for transportation and Google’s internal cafe app. “We’re working with Apple to fix a temporary disruption to some of our corporate iOS apps, which we expect will be resolved soon,” says a Google spokesperson in a statement to The Verge. Apple has not yet commented on the situation. There are two sides to this story. One the one hand, I’m glad Apple is taking measures and revoking some of these companies’ developer rights. These kinds of privacy-invading apps are a terrible idea, even if people get paid for them, and no platform should allow them. On the other hand, though, I would much rather have such tactics be w

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  • Caching the content closer to the user equipments (UEs) in heterogenous cellular networks (HetNets) improves user-perceived Quality-of-Service (QoS) while lowering the operators backhaul usage/costs. Nevertheless, under the current networking strategy that promotes aggressive densification, it is unclear whether cache-enabled HetNets preserve the claimed cost-effectiveness and the potential benefits. This is due to 1) the collective cost of caching which may inevitably exceed the expensive cost of backhaul in a dense HetNet, and 2) the excessive interference which affects the signal reception irrespective of content placement. We analyze these significant, yet overlooked, issues, showing that while densification reduces backhaul load and increases spectral efficiency in cache-enabled dense networks, it simultaneously reduces cache-hit probability and increases the network cost. We then introduce a caching efficiency metric, area spectral efficiency per unit spent cost, and find it enou

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  • Let $(\bf U, \bf U^\imath)$ be a quasi-split quantum symmetric pair of arbitrary Kac-Moody type, where "quasi-split" means the corresponding Satake diagram contains no black node. We give a presentation of the $\imath$quantum group $\bf U^\imath$ with explicit $\imath$Serre relations. The verification of new $\imath$Serre relations is reduced to some new q-binomial identities. Consequently, $\bf U^\imath$ is shown to admit a bar involution under suitable conditions on the parameters.

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  • Let $U_1,U_2,\ldots$ be random points sampled uniformly and independently from the $d$-dimensional upper half-sphere. We show that, as $n\to\infty$, the $f$-vector of the $(d+1)$-dimensional convex cone $C_n$ generated by $U_1,\ldots,U_n$ weakly converges to a certain limiting random vector, without any normalization. We also show convergence of all moments of the $f$-vector of $C_n$ and identify the limiting constants for the expectations. We prove that the expected Grassmann angles of $C_n$ can be expressed through the expected $f$-vector. This yields convergence of expected Grassmann angles and conic intrinsic volumes and answers thereby a question of B\'ar\'any, Hug, Reitzner and Schneider [Random points in halfspheres, Rand. Struct. Alg., 2017]. Our approach is based on the observation that the random cone $C_n$ weakly converges, after a suitable rescaling, to a random cone whose intersection with the tangent hyperplane of the half-sphere at its north pole is the convex hull of th

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    Alpine Linux 3.9.0 Released

    01-31 LWN 5246

    Alpine Linux 3.9 has been released. This version features support for armv7, a switch from LibreSSL to OpenSSL, improved GRUB support, and more.

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  • To produce a field of 16 teslas for CERN’s Future Circular Collider, scientists must invent a new class of magnets

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  • Industrial machines could be trained to be less clumsy if we gave them a sense of touch and a better sense of real-world physics.

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  • Defining a “data scientist” is tough; finding one to hire in today’s market can be even tougher. A certification program aims to help

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  • How it works, why it’s so powerful, and where it’s likely to be most useful first

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  • Hundreds of IEEE members entered our contest. Here are the most memorable submissions

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    Firefox 65.0 released

    01-30 LWN 5018

    Firefox 65.0 is out. The release notes list a few new features, including: "Enhanced tracking protection: Simplified content blocking settings give users standard, strict, and custom options to control online trackers. A redesigned content blocking section in the site information panel (viewed by expanding the small “i” icon in the address bar) shows what Firefox detects and blocks on each website you visit."

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  • Great reporting by TechCrunch’s Josh Constine: Desperate for data on its competitors, Facebook has been secretly paying people to install a “Facebook Research” VPN that lets the company suck in all of a user’s phone and web activity, similar to Facebook’s Onavo Protect app that Apple banned in June and that was removed in August. Facebook sidesteps the App Store and rewards teenagers and adults to download the Research app and give it root access in what may be a violation of Apple policy so the social network can decrypt and analyze their phone activity, a TechCrunch investigation confirms. Facebook admitted to TechCrunch it was running the Research program to gather data on usage habits, and it has no plans to stop. Since 2016, Facebook has been paying users ages 13 to 35 up to $20 per month plus referral fees to sell their privacy by installing the iOS or Android “Facebook Research” app. Facebook even asked users to screenshot their Amazon order history page. The program is ad

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