
On the number of coloured triangulations of $d$-manifolds. (arXiv:1807.01022v1 [math.CO])

We give superexponential lower and upper bounds on the number of coloured $d$-dimensional triangulations whose underlying space is a manifold, when the number of simplices goes to infinity and $d\geq 3$ is fixed. In the special case of dimension $3$, the lower and upper bounds match up to exponential factors, and we show that there are $2^{\Theta(n)} n^{\frac{n}{6}}$ coloured triangulations of $3$-manifolds with $n$ tetrahedra. Our results also imply that random coloured triangulations of $3$-manifolds have a sublinear number of vertices. Our upper bounds apply in particular to coloured $d$-spheres for which they seem to be the best known bounds in any dimension $d\geq 3$, even though it is often conjectured that exponential bounds hold in this case. We also ask a related question on regular edge-coloured graphs having the property that each $3$-coloured component is planar, which is of independent interest. 查看全文>>