
Representations of affine group schemes over general rings. (arXiv:1807.01009v1 [math.AG])

Among all affine, flat, finitely presented group schemes, we focus on those that are pure; this includes all groups which are extensions of a finite locally free group by a group with connected fibres. We prove that over an arbitrary base ring, pure group schemes have a classifying space satisfying the resolution property, an embedding into some GLn, a tensor generator for their category of finite type representations, and can be reconstructed from their category of projective finite type representations. In the case of an Artinian base ring, the same is true for all affine, flat, finitely presented group schemes; this answers a question of Conrad. We also prove that quotients of pure groups by closed pure subgroups over an arbitrary base scheme are Zariski-locally quasi-projective. This answers a question of Raynaud, in the case of affine groups. We give various applications. 查看全文>>