
Twisted deformations vs. cocycle deformations for quantum groups. (arXiv:1807.01149v1 [math.QA])

In this paper we study two deformation procedures for quantum groups --- namely, quantum universal enveloping algebras --- those realized as twist deformations (that modify the coalgebra structure, while keeping the algebra one), called "twisted quantum groups" (=TwQGp's), and those realized as 2-cocycle deformations (that deform the algebra structure, but save the coalgebra one), called "multiparameter quantum groups" (=MpQG's). Up to technicalities, we show that the two methods actually are equivalent, in that they eventually provide isomorphic outputs. In other words, the two notions of TwQG's and of MpQG's --- which, in Hopf algebra theoretical terms are naturally dual to each other --- actually coincide. Therefore, we conclude that there exists only one type of "multiparameter deformation" for universal enveloping algebras, that can be realized either as a TwQG or as a MpQG. In particular, the link between one realization and the other being just a (very simple, and rather explici 查看全文>>