
Bifurcation sets arising from non-integer base expansions. (arXiv:1706.05190v4 [math.NT] UPDATED)

Given a positive integer $M$ and $q\in(1,M+1]$, let $\mathcal U_q$ be the set of $x\in[0, M/(q-1)]$ having a unique $q$-expansion: there exists a unique sequence $(x_i)=x_1x_2\ldots$ with each $x_i\in\{0,1,\ldots, M\}$ such that \[ x=\frac{x_1}{q}+\frac{x_2}{q^2}+\frac{x_3}{q^3}+\cdots. \] Denote by $\mathbf U_q$ the set of corresponding sequences of all points in $\mathcal U_q$. It is well-known that the function $H: q\mapsto h(\mathbf U_q)$ is a Devil's staircase, where $h(\mathbf U_q)$ denotes the topological entropy of $\mathbf U_q$. In this paper we {give several characterizations of} the bifurcation set \[ \mathcal B:=\{q\in(1,M+1]: H(p)\ne H(q)\textrm{ for any }p\ne q\}. \] Note that $\mathcal B$ is contained in the set $\mathcal{U}^R$ of bases $q\in(1,M+1]$ such that $1\in\mathcal U_q$. By using a transversality technique we also calculate the Hausdorff dimension of the difference $\mathcal B\backslash\mathcal{U}^R$. Interestingly this quantity is always strictly between $0$ an 查看全文>>