
Regularity of weak minimizers of the K-energy and applications to properness and K-stability. (arXiv:1602.03114v3 [math.DG] UPDATED)

Let $(X,\omega)$ be a compact K\"ahler manifold and $\mathcal H$ the space of K\"ahler metrics cohomologous to $\omega$. If a cscK metric exists in $\mathcal H$, we show that all finite energy minimizers of the extended K-energy are smooth cscK metrics, partially confirming a conjecture of Y.A. Rubinstein and the second author. As an immediate application, we obtain that existence of a cscK metric in $\mathcal H$ implies J-properness of the K-energy, thus confirming one direction of a conjecture of Tian. Exploiting this properness result we prove that an ample line bundle $(X,L)$ admitting a cscK metric in $c_1(L)$ is $K$-polystable. 查看全文>>