
Testing for Principal Component Directions under Weak Identifiability. (arXiv:1710.05291v2 [math.ST] UPDATED)

We consider the problem of testing, on the basis of a $p$-variate Gaussian random sample, the null hypothesis ${\cal H}_0:{\pmb \theta}_1= {\pmb \theta}_1^0$ against the alternative ${\cal H}_1: {\pmb \theta}_1 \neq {\pmb \theta}_1^0$, where ${\pmb \theta}_1$ is the "first" eigenvector of the underlying covariance matrix and $\thetab_1^0$ is a fixed unit $p$-vector. In the classical setup where eigenvalues $\lambda_1>\lambda_2\geq \ldots\geq \lambda_p$ are fixed, the Anderson (1963) likelihood ratio test (LRT) and the Hallin, Paindaveine, and Verdebout (2010) Le Cam optimal test for this problem are asymptotically equivalent under the null, hence also under sequences of contiguous alternatives. We show that this equivalence does not survive asymptotic scenarios where $\lambda_{n1}-\lambda_{n2}=o(r_n)$ with $r_n=O(1/\sqrt{n})$. For such scenarios, the Le Cam optimal test still asymptotically meets the nominal level constraint, whereas the LRT severely overrejects the null hypothesis. 查看全文>>