
Two-parameter MRL processes and associated submartingales. (arXiv:1807.05932v1 [math.PR])

We use Madan-Yor's argument to construct associated submartingales to a class of two-parameter processes that are ordered by the increasing convex dominance. This class includes processes which have MTP$_2$ integrated survival functions. We prove that the integrated survival function of an integrable two-parameter process is MTP$_2$ if and only if it is TP$_2$ in each pair of arguments when the remaining argument is fixed. This result can not be deduced from known results since there are several two-parameter processes whose integrated survival functions do not have interval support. The MTP$_2$ property of certain MRL processes is useful to exhibit numerous other processes having the same property. We mention that a two-parameter process ordered by the increasing convex dominance is not necessarily associated to a two-parameter submartingale. A counterexample has been provided recently by Juillet. 查看全文>>