
A Novel Approach to Quantitative Improvements for Eigenfunction Averages. (arXiv:1809.06296v1 [math.AP])

Let $(M,g)$ be a smooth, compact Riemannian manifold and $\{\phi_\lambda \}$ an $L^2$-normalized sequence of Laplace eigenfunctions, $-\Delta_g\phi_\lambda =\lambda^2 \phi_\lambda$. Given a smooth submanifold $H \subset M$ of codimension $k\geq 1$, we find conditions on the pair $(M,H)$, even when $H=\{x\}$, for which $$ \Big|\int_H\phi_\lambda d\sigma_H\Big|=O\Big(\frac{\lambda^{\frac{k-1}{2}}}{\sqrt{\log \lambda}}\Big)\qquad \text{or}\qquad |\phi_\lambda(x)|=O\Big(\frac{\lambda ^{\frac{n-1}{2}}}{\sqrt{\log \lambda}}\Big), $$ as $\lambda\to \infty$. These conditions require no global assumption on the manifold $M$ and instead relate to the structure of the set of recurrent directions in the unit normal bundle to $H$. Our results extend all previously known conditions guaranteeing improvements on averages, including those on sup-norms. For example, we show that if $(M,g)$ is a surface with Anosov geodesic flow, then there are logarithmically improved averages for any $H\subset M$. We a 查看全文>>