
A new lower bound on Hadwiger-Debrunner numbers in the plane. (arXiv:1809.06451v1 [math.CO])

A set family $F$ is said to satisfy the $(p,q)$ property if among any $p$ sets in $F$, some $q$ have a non-empty intersection. Hadwiger and Debrunner (1957) conjectured that for any $p \geq q \geq d+1$ there exists $c=c_d(p,q)$, such that any family of compact convex sets in $\mathbb{R}^d$ that satisfies the $(p,q)$ property, can be pierced by at most $c$ points. In their celebrated $(p,q)$ theorem from 1992, Alon and Kleitman proved the conjecture but did not obtain effective bounds on $c_d(p,q)$, called `the Hadwiger-Debrunner numbers'. Ever since, obtaining such bounds is a major open problem in convexity theory. The best currently known asymptotic lower bound on the Hadwiger-Debrunner numbers in the plane is $c_2(p,q) = \Omega( \frac{p}{q}\log(\frac{p}{q}))$. In this paper we present the significantly stronger lower bound $c_2(p,q) \geq p^{1+\Omega(1/q)}$. This bound, obtained by an explicit family of lines, is tight for all families that have a bounded VC-dimension. Unlike previou 查看全文>>