
Algebraic deformation quantization of Leibniz algebras. (arXiv:1810.04050v1 [math.AT])

In this paper we focus on a certain self-distributive multiplication on coalgebras, which leads to so-called rack bialgebra. We construct canon-ical rack bialgebras (some kind of enveloping algebras) for any Leibniz algebra. Our motivation is deformation quantization of Leibniz algebras in the sense of [6]. Namely, the canonical rack bialgebras we have constructed for any Leibniz algebra lead to a simple explicit formula of the rack-star-product on the dual of a Leibniz algebra recently constructed by Dherin and Wagemann in [6]. We clarify this framework setting up a general deformation theory for rack bialgebras and show that the rack-star-product turns out to be a deformation of the trivial rack bialgebra product. 查看全文>>