
Distribution Theory by Riemann Integrals. (arXiv:1810.04420v1 [math.FA])

It is the purpose of this article to outline a course that can be given to engineers looking for an understandable mathematical description of the foundations of distribution theory and the necessary functional analytic methods. Arguably, these are needed for a deeper understanding of basic questions in signal analysis. Objects such as the Dirac delta and Dirac comb require a proper definition, and it should be possible to explain how one can reconstruct a band-limited function from its samples by means of simple series expansions. It should also be useful for graduate students who want to see how functional analysis can help to understand fairly practical problems, or teachers who want to offer a course related to the "Mathematical Foundations of Signal Processing". The course requires only an understanding of the basic terms from linear functional analysis, namely Banach spaces and their duals, bounded linear operators and a simple version of weak$^{*}$-convergence. As a matter of fa 查看全文>>