
Aerobatics of flying saucers. (arXiv:1810.04852v1 [math.DG])

Starting from the observation that a flying saucer is a nonholonomic mechanical system whose 5-dimensional configuration space is a contact manifold, we show how to enrich this space with a number of geometric structures by imposing further nonlinear restrictions on the saucer's velocity. These restrictions define certain `manoeuvres' of the saucer, which we call `attacking,' `landing,' or `G2 mode' manoeuvres, and which equip its configuration space with three kinds of flat parabolic geometry in five dimensions. The attacking manoeuvre corresponds to the flat Legendrean contact structure, the landing manoeuvre corresponds to the flat hypersurface type CR structure with Levi form of signature (1,1), and the most complicated G2 manoeuvre corresponds to the contact Engel structure with split real form of the exceptional Lie group G2 as its symmetries. A celebrated double fibration relating the two nonequivalent flat 5-dimensional parabolic G2 geometries is used to construct a `G2 joystic 查看全文>>