
Explicit formula for the average of Goldbach and prime tuples representations. (arXiv:1801.08475v1 [math.NT])

Let $\Lambda\left(n\right)$ be the Von Mangoldt function, let \[ r_{G}\left(n\right)=\underset{{\scriptstyle m_{1}+m_{2}=n}}{\sum_{m_{1},m_{2}\leq n}}\Lambda\left(m_{1}\right)\Lambda\left(m_{2}\right), \] \[ r_{PT}\left(N,h\right)=\sum_{n=0}^{N}\Lambda\left(n\right)\Lambda\left(n+h\right),\,h\in\mathbb{N} \] be the counting function of the Goldbach numbers and the counting function of the prime tuples, respectively. Let $N>2$ be an integer. We will find the explicit formulae for the averages of $r_{G}\left(n\right)$ and $r_{PT}\left(N,h\right)$ in terms of elementary functions, the incomplete Beta function $B_{z}\left(a,b\right)$, series over $\rho$ that, with or without subscript, runs over the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann Zeta function and the Dilogarithm function. We will also prove the explicit formulae in an asymptotic form and a truncated formula for the average of $r_{G}\left(n\right)$. Some observation about these formulae and the average with Ces\`aro weight \[ \frac{1} 查看全文>>