
Finitely Additive, Modular and Probability Functions on Pre-semirings. (arXiv:1603.03201v2 [math.AC] UPDATED)

In this paper, we define finitely additive, probability and modular functions over semiring-like structures. We investigate finitely additive functions with the help of complemented elements of a semiring. We also generalize some classical results in probability theory such as the Law of Total Probability, Bayes' Theorem, the Equality of Parallel Systems, and Poincar\'{e}'s Inclusion-Exclusion Theorem. While we prove that modular functions over a couple of known semirings are almost constant, we show it is possible to define many different modular functions over some semirings such as bottleneck algebras and the semiring $(Id(D), + ,\cdot)$, where $D$ is a Dedekind domain. 查看全文>>