
Generalized Dynamics in Social Networks With Antagonistic Interactions. (arXiv:1801.08713v1 [math.OC])

In this paper, we investigate a general nonlinear model of opinion dynamics in which both state-dependent susceptibility to persuasion and antagonistic interactions are considered. According to the existing literature and socio-psychological theories, we examine three specializations of state-dependent susceptibility, that is, stubborn positives scenario, stubborn neutrals scenario, and stubborn extremists scenario. Interactions among agents form a signed graph, in which positive and negative edges represent friendly and antagonistic interactions, respectively. Based on Perron-Frobenius property of eventually positive matrices and LaSalle invariance principle, we conduct a comprehensive theoretical analysis of the generalized nonlinear opinion dynamics. We obtain some sufficient conditions such that the states of all agents converge into the subspace spanned by the right positive eigenvector of an eventually positive matrix. When there exists at least one entry of the right positive ei 查看全文>>