
Cowen-Douglas function and its application on chaos. (arXiv:1712.03348v2 [math.FA] UPDATED)

In this paper, on $\mathbb{D}$ we define Cowen-Douglas function introduced by Cowen-Douglas operator $M_\phi^*$ on Hardy space $\mathcal{H}^2(\mathbb{D})$ and we give a sufficient condition for Cowen-Douglas function, where $\phi\in\mathcal{H}^\infty(\mathbb{D})$. Moreover, we give some applications of Cowen-Douglas function on chaos, such as application on the inverse chaos problem for $\phi(T)$, where $\phi$ is a Cowen-Douglas function and $T$ is the backward shift operator on $\mathcal{L}^2(\mathbb{N})$. 查看全文>>