
Counting the Identities of a Quantum State. (arXiv:1807.03995v1 [quant-ph] CROSS LISTED)

A marquee feature of quantum behavior is that, upon probing, the microscopic system emerges in one of multiple possible states. While quantum mechanics postulates the respective probabilities, the effective abundance of these simultaneous ``identities'', if a meaningful concept at all, has to be inferred. To address such problems, we construct and analyze the theory of functions assigning the quantity (effective number) of objects endowed with probability weights. In a surprising outcome, the consistency of such probability-dependent measure assignments entails the existence of a minimal amount, realized by a unique effective number function. This result provides a well-founded solution to identity-counting problems in quantum mechanics. Such problems range from counting the basis states contained in an output of a quantum computation, and relevant in the analysis of quantum algorithms, to a novel way to characterize complex states such as QCD vacuum or eigenstates of quantum spin syst 查看全文>>