
On Zeroes of Random Polynomials and Applications to Unwinding. (arXiv:1807.05587v1 [math.PR])

Let $\mu$ be a probability measure in $\mathbb{C}$ with a continuous and compactly supported distribution function, let $z_1, \dots, z_n$ be independent random variables, $z_i \sim \mu$, and consider the random polynomial $$ p_n(z) = \prod_{k=1}^{n}{(z - z_k)}.$$ We determine the asymptotic distribution of $\left\{z \in \mathbb{C}: p_n(z) = p_n(0)\right\}$. In particular, if $\mu$ is radial around the origin, then those solutions are also distributed according to $\mu$ as $n \rightarrow \infty$. Generally, the distribution of the solutions will reproduce parts of $\mu$ and condense another part on curves. We use these insights to study the behavior of the Blaschke unwinding series on random data. 查看全文>>