
A Sharp Convergence Rate Analysis for Distributed Accelerated Gradient Methods. (arXiv:1810.01053v1 [math.OC])

In this paper, we study the computation and communication costs in decentralized distributed optimization and give a sharp complexity analysis for the proposed distributed accelerated gradient methods. We present two algorithms based on the framework of the accelerated penalty method with increasing penalty parameters. Our first algorithm achieves the $O\left(\left(\epsilon\sqrt{1-\sigma_2(W)}\right)^{-1}\right)$ complexities for both computation and communication, which match the communication complexity lower bound for non-smooth distributed optimization, where $\sigma_2(W)$ denotes the second largest singular value of the weight matrix $W$ associated to the network. Our second algorithm employs a double-loop and obtains the near optimal $O\left(\sqrt{L/\left(\epsilon(1-\sigma_2(W))\right)}\log\epsilon^{-1}\right)$ communication complexity and the optimal $O\left(\sqrt{L/\epsilon}\right)$ computation complexity for $L$-smooth distributed optimization. When the problem is $\mu$-strong 查看全文>>