
6m Theorem for Prime numbers. (arXiv:1810.02188v1 [math.GM])

We show that for any $P= 6^{m+1}.N -1 $ is a prime number for any $1 < N \le 13$ , $N \ne 8$ and $N \ne i^{m+1}Mod(6i+1) $ where $ i \in Z^+ $ and $ m \in $ $odd$ $Z^+ $ for $1 < N \le 13$ and $N \ne 8$ and also we further discussed that $P= 6^{m+1}.N -1 $ is a prime number for $ N >13 $ if and only if , $N \ne i^{m+1}Mod(6i+1) +(6i +1)a $ $ ; i,a \le Z^+ $ 查看全文>>