
Critical exponents and amplitude ratios of scalar nonextensive $q$-field theories. (arXiv:1810.02349v1 [hep-th])

We compute the radiative quantum corrections to the critical exponents and amplitude ratios for O($N$) $\lambda\phi^{4}$ scalar high energy nonextensive $q$-field theories. We employ the field theoretic renormalization group approach through six methods for evaluating the high energy nonextensive critical exponents up to next-to-leading order while the high energy nonextensive amplitude ratios are computed up to leading level by applying three methods. Later we generalize these high energy nonextensive finite loop order results for any loop level. We find that the high energy nonextensive critical exponents are the same when obtained through all the methods employed. The same fact occurs for the high energy nonextensive amplitude ratios. Furthermore, we show that these high energy nonextensive universal quantities are equal to their low energy extensive counterparts, thus showing that the nonextensivity is broken down at high energies. 查看全文>>