
$2\odot 2=4$: Temporal-Spatial Coupling and Beyond in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). (arXiv:1810.02971v1 [math.NA])

With increasing engineering demands, there need high order accurate schemes embedded with precise physical information in order to capture delicate small scale structures and strong waves with correct "physics". There are two families of high order methods: One is the method of line, relying on the Runge-Kutta (R-K) time-stepping. The building block is the Riemann solution labeled as the solution element "1". Each step in R-K just has first order accuracy. In order to derive a fourth order accuracy scheme in time, one needs four stages labeled as "$1\odot 1\odot 1\odot 1=4$". The other is the one-stage Lax-Wendroff (L-W) type method, which is more compact but is complicated to design numerical fluxes and hard to use when applied to highly nonlinear problems. In recent years, the pair of solution element and dynamics, labeled as "$2$", are taken as the building black. The direct adoption of the dynamics implies the inherent temporal-spatial coupling. With this type of building blocks, a 查看全文>>