
Higher-order Spectral Clustering for Heterogeneous Graphs. (arXiv:1810.02959v1 [cs.SI])

Higher-order connectivity patterns such as small induced sub-graphs called graphlets (network motifs) are vital to understand the important components (modules/functional units) governing the configuration and behavior of complex networks. Existing work in higher-order clustering has focused on simple homogeneous graphs with a single node/edge type. However, heterogeneous graphs consisting of nodes and edges of different types are seemingly ubiquitous in the real-world. In this work, we introduce the notion of typed-graphlet that explicitly captures the rich (typed) connectivity patterns in heterogeneous networks. Using typed-graphlets as a basis, we develop a general principled framework for higher-order clustering in heterogeneous networks. The framework provides mathematical guarantees on the optimality of the higher-order clustering obtained. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework quantitatively for three important applications including (i) clustering, (ii) 查看全文>>