
Current with "wrong" sign and phase transitions. (arXiv:1810.04639v1 [math-ph])

We prove that under certain conditions, phase separation is enough to sustain a regime in which current flows along the concentration gradient, a phenomenon which is known in the literature as \textit{uphill diffusion}. The model we consider here is a version of that proposed in [G. B. Giacomin, J. L. Lebowitz, Phase segregation dynamics in particle system with long range interactions, Journal of Statistical Physics 87(1) (1997): 37-61], which is the continuous mesoscopic limit of a $1d$ discrete Ising chain with a Kac potential. The magnetization profile lies in the interval $\left[-\varepsilon^{-1},\varepsilon^{-1}\right]$, $\varepsilon>0$, staying in contact at the boundaries with infinite reservoirs of fixed magnetization $\pm\mu$, $\mu\in(m^*\left(\beta\right),1)$, where $m^*\left(\beta\right)=\sqrt{1-1/\beta}$, $\beta>1$ representing the inverse temperature. At last, an external field of Heaviside-type of intensity $\kappa>0$ is introduced. According to the axiomatic non 查看全文>>