
Constructing the determinant sphere using a Tate twist. (arXiv:1810.06651v1 [math.AT])

Following an idea of Hopkins, we construct a model of the determinant sphere $S\langle det \rangle$ in the category of $K(n)$-local spectra. To do this, we build a spectrum which we call the Tate sphere $S(1)$. This is a $p$-complete sphere with a natural continuous action of $\mathbb{Z}_p^\times$. The Tate sphere inherits an action of $\mathbb{G}_n$ via the determinant and smashing Morava $E$-theory with $S(1)$ has the effect of twisting the action of $\mathbb{G}_n$. A large part of this paper consists of analyzing continuous $\mathbb{G}_n$-actions and their homotopy fixed points in the setup of Devinatz and Hopkins. 查看全文>>