

  • In this paper, we present a distributionally robust optimization (DRO) approach for the transmission expansion planning (TEP) problem, considering both long- and short-term uncertainties on the system load and renewable generation. Long-term uncertainty is represented on two interrelated levels. At the first level, as is customary in industry applications, the deep uncertainty faced in economic, political, environmental, and technological development is addressed based on plausible visions of long-term future scenarios (trends), traced by current experts beliefs. Subsequently, uncertainty-related parameters defining the probability distributions of the uncertain factors are partially refined for each long-term scenario, thereby inducing an ambiguity set. Finally, for each long-term scenario and induced ambiguity set, the inherent risk model for the short-term uncertainty is described by means of conditional probability distributions. The mathematical problem is formulated as a distribu

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  • We investigate the asymptotic behavior of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on Riemannian manifolds. We show that Benjamini-Schramm convergence provides a unified language for the level and eigenvalue aspects of the theory. As a result, we present a mathematically precise formulation of Berry's conjecture for a compact negatively curved manifold and formulate a Berry-type conjecture for sequences of locally symmetric spaces. We prove some weak versions of these conjectures. Using ergodic theory, we also analyze the connections of these conjectures to Quantum Unique Ergodicity.

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  • We study the energy distribution of harmonic 1-forms on a compact hyperbolic Riemann surface $S$ that has a small separating closed geodesic. The result is applied to the question how close the Jacobian torus of $S$ comes to a torus that splits. The aim is to answer this and related questions in terms of geometric data of $S$ such as its injectivity radius and the lengths of geodesics that form a homology basis. This is version 1 of an extended paper in which also non separating small geodesics are considered.

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  • Local and category-theoretical entropies associated with an endomorphism of finite length (i.e., with zero-dimensional closed fiber) of a commutative Noetherian local ring are compared. Local entropy is shown to be less than or equal to category-theoretical entropy. The two entropies are shown to be equal when the ring is regular, and also for the Frobenius endomorphism of a complete local ring of positive characteristic. Furthermore, given a flat morphism of Cohen-Macaulay local rings endowed with compatible endomorphisms of finite length, it is shown that local entropy is "additive". Finally, over a ring that is a homomorphic image of a regular local ring, a formula for local entropy in terms of an asymptotic partial Euler characteristic is given.

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  • Adinkras are combinatorial objects developed to study supersymmetry representations. Gates et al. introduced the "gadget" as a function of pairs of adinkras, obtaining some mysterious results for $(n=4, k=1)$ adinkras with computer-aided computation. Specifically, very few values of the gadget actually appear, suggesting a great deal of symmetry in these objects. In this paper, we compute gadgets symbolically and explain some of these observed phenomena with group theory and combinatorics. Guided by this work, we give some suggestions for generalizations of the gadget to other values of the $n$ and $k$ parameters.

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  • We consider a family of higher-dimensional noncommutative tori, which are twisted analogues of the algebras of continuous functions on ordinary tori, and their Toeplitz extensions. Just as solenoids are inverse limits of tori, our Toeplitz noncommutative solenoids are direct limits of the Toeplitz extensions of noncommutative tori. We consider natural dynamics on these Toeplitz algebras, and compute the equilibrium states for these dynamics. We find a large simplex of equilibrium states at each positive inverse temperature, parametrised by the probability measures on an (ordinary) solenoid.

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  • In contrast with many other convex optimization classes, state-of-the-art semidefinite programming solvers are yet unable to efficiently solve large scale instances. This work aims to reduce this scalability gap by proposing a novel proximal algorithm for solving general semidefinite programming problems. The proposed methodology, based on the primal-dual hybrid gradient method, allows the presence of linear inequalities without the need of adding extra slack variables and avoids solving a linear system at each iteration. More importantly, it does simultaneously compute the dual variables associated with the linear constraints. The main contribution of this work is to achieve a substantial speedup by effectively adjusting the proposed algorithm in order to exploit the low-rank property inherent to several semidefinite programming problems. This proposed modification is the key element that allows the operator splitting method to efficiently scale to larger instances. Convergence guaran

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  • We give a partial solution to a question by Alas, Junqueria and Wilson by proving that under PFA the one-point compactification of a locally compact, discretely generated and countably tight space is also discretely generated. After this, we study the cardinal number given by the smallest possible character of remote and far sets of separable metrizable spaces. Finally, we prove that in some cases a countable space has far points.

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  • An algebra with identities $(a,b,c)=(a,c,b)=(b,a,c)$ is called {\it assosymmetric}, where $(x,y,z)=(xy)z-x(yz)$ is associator. We study $S_n$-module, $A_n$-module and $GL_n$-module structures of free assosymmetric algebra.

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  • If $\mathfrak{g} \subseteq \mathfrak{h}$ is an extension of Lie algebras over a field $k$ such that ${\rm dim}_k (\mathfrak{g}) = n$ and ${\rm dim}_k (\mathfrak{h}) = n + m$, then the Galois group ${\rm Gal} \, (\mathfrak{h}/\mathfrak{g})$ is explicitly described as a subgroup of the canonical semidirect product of groups ${\rm GL} (m, \, k) \rtimes {\rm M}_{n\times m} (k)$. An Artin type theorem for Lie algebras is proved: if a group $G$ whose order isinvertible in $k$ acts as automorphisms on a Lie algebra $\mathfrak{h}$, then $\mathfrak{h}$ is isomorphic to a skew crossed product $\mathfrak{h}^G \, \#^{\bullet} \, V$, where $\mathfrak{h}^G$ is the subalgebra of invariants and $V$ is the kernel of the Reynolds operator. The Galois group ${\rm Gal} \,(\mathfrak{h}/\mathfrak{h}^G)$ is also computed, highlighting the difference from the classical Galois theory of fields where the corresponding group is $G$. The counterpart for Lie algebras of Hilbert's Theorem 90 is proved and based on

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  • We analyse special classes of biorthogonal sets of vectors in Hilbert and in Krein spaces, and their relations with $\mathcal{G}$- quasi bases. We also discuss their relevance in some concrete quantum mechanical system driven by manifestly non self-adjoint Hamiltonians.

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  • D. Bennequin and P. Baudot introduced a cohomological construction adapted to information theory, called 'information cohomology', that characterizes Shannon entropy through a cocycle condition. This text develops the relation between information cohomology and topos theory. We also introduce several new constructions and results. First, we define generalized information structures, as categories of finite random variables related by a notion of extension or refinement; classical and quantum probability spaces appear as models (representations) for these general structures. Generalized information structures form a category with finite products and coproducts. We prove that information cohomology is invariant under isomorphisms of generalized structures. Secondly, we prove that the relatively-free bar construction gives a projective object for the computation of cohomology. Thirdly, we provide detailed computations of $H^1$ for classical probabilities and describe the degenerate cases.

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  • For a smooth projective curve, the cycles of subordinate or, more generally, secant divisors to a given linear series are among some of the most studied objects in classical enumerative geometry. We consider the intersection of two such cycles corresponding to secant divisors of two different linear series on the same curve and investigate the validity of the enumerative formulas counting the number of divisors in the intersection. We study some interesting cases, with unexpected transversality properties, and establish a general method to verify when this intersection is empty.

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  • In this paper, we study gravitational instantons (i.e., complete hyperk\"aler 4-manifolds with faster than quadratic curvature decay). We prove three main theorems: 1.Any gravitational instanton must have known end----ALE, ALF, ALG or ALH. 2.In ALG and ALH-non-splitting cases, it must be biholomorphic to a compact complex elliptic surface minus a divisor. Thus, we confirm a long-standing question of Yau in ALG and ALH cases. 3.In ALF-D_k case, it must have an O(4)-multiplet.

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  • We analyze the optimal harvesting problem for an ecosystem of species that experience environmental stochasticity. Our work generalizes the current literature significantly by taking into account non-linear interactions between species, state-dependent prices, and species injections. The key generalization is making it possible to not only harvest, but also `seed' individuals into the ecosystem. This is motivated by how fisheries and certain endangered species are controlled. The harvesting problem becomes finding the optimal harvesting-seeding strategy that maximizes the expected total income from the harvest minus the lost income from the species injections. Our analysis shows that new phenomena emerge due to the possibility of species injections. It is well-known that multidimensional harvesting problems are very hard to tackle. We are able to make progress, by characterizing the value function as a viscosity solution of the associated Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equations. Moreov

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  • We propose and prove an identity relating the Poincar\'e polynomials of stabilizer subgroups of the affine Weyl group and of the corresponding stabilizer subgroups of the Weyl group.

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  • This paper deals with the Monte-Carlo methods for evaluating expectations of functionals of solutions to McKean-Vlasov Stochastic Differential Equations (MV-SDE) with drifts of super-linear growth. We assume that the MV-SDE is approximated in the standard manner by means of an interacting particle system and propose two importance sampling (IS) techniques to reduce the variance of the resulting Monte Carlo estimator. In the \emph{complete measure change} approach, the IS measure change is applied simultaneously in the coefficients and in the expectation to be evaluated. In the \emph{decoupling} approach we first estimate the law of the solution in a first set of simulations without measure change and then perform a second set of simulations under the importance sampling measure using the approximate solution law computed in the first step. For both approaches, we use large deviations techniques to identify an optimisation problem for the candidate measure change. The decoupling approac

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  • The independence polynomial of a graph is the generating polynomial for the number of independent sets of each size. Two graphs are said to be \textit{independence equivalent} if they have equivalent independence polynomials. We extend previous work by showing that independence equivalence class of every odd path has size 1, while the class can contain arbitrarily many graphs for even paths. We also prove that the independence equivalence class of every even cycle consists of two graphs when $n\ge 2$ except the independence equivalence class of $C_6$ which consists of three graphs. The odd case remains open, although, using irreducibility results from algebra, we were able show that for a prime $p \geq 5$ and $n\ge 1$ the independence equivalence class of $C_{p^n}$ consists of only two graphs.

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  • In this paper, we provide an accessible introduction to the theory of locally convex supermanifolds in the categorical approach. In this setting, a supermanifold is a functor $\mathcal{M}\colon\mathbf{Gr}\to\mathbf{Man}$ from the category of Grassmann algebras to the category of locally convex manifolds that has certain local models, forming something akin to an atlas. We give a mostly self-contained, concrete definition of supermanifolds along these lines, closing several gaps in the literature on the way. If $\Lambda_n\in\mathbf{Gr}$ is the Grassmann algebra with $n$ generators, we show that $\mathcal{M}_{\Lambda_n}$ has the structure of a so called multilinear bundle over the base manifold $\mathcal{M}_\mathbb{R}$. We use this fact to show that the projective limit $\varprojlim_n\mathcal{M}_{\Lambda_n}$ exists in the category of manifolds. In fact, this gives us a faithful functor $\varprojlim\colon\mathbf{SMan}\to\mathbf{Man}$ from the category of supermanifolds to the category of

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  • Infinitesimal bialgebras were introduced by Joni and Rota. An infinitesimal bialgebra is at the same time an algebra and coalgebra, in such a way that the comultiplication is a derivation. Twenty years after Joni and Rota, Aguiar introduced the concept of an infinitesimal (non-unitary) Hopf algebra. In this paper we study infinitesimal unitary bialgebras and infinitesimal unitary Hopf algebras, in contrary to Aguiar's approach. Using an infinitesimal version of the Hochschild 1-cocycle condition, we prove respectively that a class of decorated planar rooted forests is the free cocycle infinitesimal unitary bialgebra and free cocycle infinitesimal unitary Hopf algebra on a set. As an application, we obtain that the planar rooted forests is the free cocycle infinitesimal unitary Hopf algebra on the empty set.

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  • Generalising a construction of Falconer, we consider classes of $G_\delta$-subsets of $\mathbb{R}^d$ with the property that sets belonging to the class have large Hausdorff dimension and the class is closed under countable intersections. We relate these classes to some inhomogeneous potentials and energies, thereby providing some useful tools to determine if a set belongs to one of the classes. As applications of this theory, we calculate, or at least estimate, the Hausdorff dimension of randomly generated limsup-sets, and sets that appear in the setting of shrinking targets in dynamical systems. For instance, we prove that for $\alpha \geq 1$, \[ \mathrm{dim}_\mathrm{H}\, \{ \, y : | T_a^n (x) - y| < n^{-\alpha} \text{ infinitely often} \, \} = \frac{1}{\alpha}, \] for almost every $x \in [1-a,1]$, where $T_a$ is a quadratic map with $a$ in a set of parameters described by Benedicks and Carleson.

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  • In this paper, we construct a theory of integration of Voevodsky motives over a perfect field $k$, and show that it circumvents some of the complications of motivic integration, leading to new arithmetic and geometric results concerning K-equivalent $k$-varieties. One main application is that up to direct summing a common Chow motive, K-equivalent smooth projective $k$-varieties have the same $\mathbb{Z}[1/p]$-Chow motives ($p$ is the characteristic exponent of $k$), partially answering a conjecture of Chin-Lung Wang. In addition to generalizing a theorem of Kontsevich on the equality of Hodge numbers of K-equivalent smooth projective complex varieties, we show that such varieties have isomorphic \textit{integral} singular cohomology groups. On the arithmetic side, we show that K-equivalent smooth $k$-varieties have isomorphic $\ell$-adic Galois representations up to semi-simplification. Furthermore, we connect this theory of integration of Voevodsky motives to the existence of motivic

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  • In this paper, we study an interference alignment (IA) scheme with finite time extension and beamformer selection method with low computational complexity for X channel. An IA scheme with a chain structure by the Latin square is proposed for Kx3 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) X channel. Since the proposed scheme can have a larger set of possible beamformers than the conventional schemes, its performance is improved by the efficient beamformer selection for a given channel. Also, we propose a condition number (CN) based beamformer selection method with low computational complexity and its performance improvement is numerically verified.

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  • In this paper, we study a new notion of scaled minimaxity for sparse estimation in high-dimensional linear regression model. We present more optimistic lower bounds than the one given by the classical minimax theory and hence improve on existing results. We recover sharp results for the global minimaxity as a consequence of our study. Fixing the scale of the signal-to-noise ratio, we prove that the estimation error can be much smaller than the global minimax error. We construct a new optimal estimator for the scaled minimax sparse estimation. An optimal adaptive procedure is also described.

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  • In systems and synthetic biology, much research has focused on the behavior and design of single pathways, while, more recently, experimental efforts have focused on how cross-talk (coupling two or more pathways) or inhibiting molecular function (isolating one part of the pathway) affects systems-level behavior. However, the theory for tackling these larger systems in general has lagged behind. Here, we analyze how joining networks (e.g., cross-talk) or decomposing networks (e.g., inhibition or knock-outs) affects three properties that reaction networks may possess---identifiability (recoverability of parameter values from data), steady-state invariants (relationships among species concentrations at steady state, used in model selection), and multistationarity (capacity for multiple steady states, which correspond to multiple cell decisions). Specifically, we prove results that clarify, for a network obtained by joining two smaller networks, how properties of the smaller networks can b

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  • We prove a compactness theorem for full Boolean-valued models. As an application, we show that if $T$ is a complete countable theory and $\mathcal{B}$ is a complete Boolean algebra, then $\lambda^+$-saturated $\mathcal{B}$-valued models of $T$ exist. Moreover, if $\mathcal{U}$ is an ultrafilter on $T$ and $\mathbf{M}$ is a $\lambda^+$-saturated $\mathcal{B}$-valued model of $T$, then whether or not $\mathbf{M}/\mathcal{U}$ is $\lambda^+$-saturated just depends on $\mathcal{U}$ and $T$; we say that $\mathcal{U}$ $\lambda^+$-saturates $T$ in this case. We show that Keisler's order can be formulated as follows: $T_0 \trianglelefteq T_1$ if and only if for every cardinal $\lambda$, for every complete Boolean algebra $\mathcal{B}$ with the $\lambda^+$-c.c., and for every ultrafilter $\mathcal{U}$ on $\mathcal{B}$, if $\mathcal{U}$ $\lambda^+$-saturates $T_1$, then $\mathcal{U}$ $\lambda^+$-saturates $T_0$.

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  • In this paper we consider the large genus asymptotics for two classes of Siegel-Veech constants associated with an arbitrary connected stratum $\mathcal{H} (\alpha)$ of Abelian differentials. The first is the saddle connection Siegel-Veech constant $c_{\text{sc}}^{m_i, m_j} \big( \mathcal{H} (\alpha) \big)$ counting saddle connections between two distinct, fixed zeros of prescribed orders $m_i$ and $m_j$, and the second is the area Siegel-Veech constant $c_{\text{area}} \big( \mathcal{H}(\alpha) \big)$ counting maximal cylinders weighted by area. By combining a combinatorial analysis of explicit formulas of Eskin-Masur-Zorich that express these constants in terms of Masur-Veech strata volumes, with a recent result for the large genus asymptotics of these volumes, we show that $c_{\text{sc}}^{m_i, m_j} \big( \mathcal{H} (\alpha) \big) = (m_i + 1) (m_j + 1) \big( 1 + o(1) \big)$ and $c_{\text{area}} \big( \mathcal{H}(\alpha) \big) = \frac{1}{2} + o(1)$, both as $|\alpha| = 2g - 2$ tends

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  • This article is an invited discussion of the article by Gronau and Wagenmakers (2018) that can be found at

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  • Consider a chordal random curve model on a planar graph, in the scaling limit when a fine-mesh graph approximates a simply-connected planar domain. The well-known precompactness conditions of Kemppainen and Smirnov show that certain "crossing estimates" guarantee the subsequential weak convergence of the random curves in the topology of unparametrized curves, as well as in a topology inherited from curves on the unit disc via conformal maps. We complement this result by proving that proceeding to weak limit commutes with changing topology, i.e., limits of conformal images are conformal images of limits, without imposing any boundary regularity assumptions on the domains where the random curves lie. Treating such rough boundaries becomes necessary, e.g., in convergence proofs to multiple SLEs. The result in this generality has not been explicated before and is not trivial, which we demonstrate by giving warning examples and deducing strong consequences.

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  • Faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) signaling is a promising non-orthogonal physical layer transmission technique to improve the spectral efficiency of future communication systems but at the expense of intersymbol-interference (ISI). In this paper, we investigate the detection problem of FTN signaling and formulate the sequence estimation problem of any $M$-ary phase shift keying (PSK) FTN signaling as an optimization problem that turns out to be non-convex and nondeterministic polynomial time (NP)-hard to solve. We propose a novel algorithm, based on concepts from semidefinite relaxation (SDR) and Gaussian randomization, to detect any $M$-ary PSK FTN signaling in polynomial time complexity regardless of the constellation size $M$ or the ISI length. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm strikes a balance between the achieved performance and the computational complexity. Additionally, results show the merits of the proposed algorithm in improving the spectral efficiency when compar

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  • Motivated by problems in percolation theory, we study the following 2-player positional game. Let $\Lambda_{m \times n}$ be a rectangular grid-graph with $m$ vertices in each row and $n$ vertices in each column. Two players, Maker and Breaker, play in alternating turns. On each of her turns, Maker claims $p$ (as-yet unclaimed) edges of the board $\Lambda_{m \times n}$, while on each of his turns Breaker claims $q$ (as-yet unclaimed) edges of the board and destroys them. Maker wins the game if she manages to claim all the edges of a crossing path joining the left-hand side of the board to its right-hand side, otherwise Breaker wins. We call this game the $(p,q)$-crossing game on $\Lambda_{m \times n}$. Given $m,n\in \mathbb{N}$, for which pairs $(p,q)$ does Maker have a winning strategy for the $(p,q)$-crossing game on $\Lambda_{m \times n}$? The $(1,1)$-case corresponds exactly to the popular game of Bridg-it, which is well understood due to it being a special case of the older Shannon

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  • We obtain limit theorems for $\Phi(A^p)^{1/p}$ and $(A^p\sigma B)^{1/p}$ as $p\to\infty$ for positive matrices $A,B$, where $\Phi$ is a positive linear map between matrix algebras (in particular, $\Phi(A)=KAK^*$) and $\sigma$ is an operator mean (in particular, the weighted geometric mean), which are considered as certain reciprocal Lie-Trotter formulas and also a generalization of Kato's limit to the supremum $A\vee B$ with respect to the spectral order.

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  • We present a sample path dependent measure of causal influence between time series. The proposed causal measure is a random sequence, a realization of which enables identification of specific patterns that give rise to high levels of causal influence. We show that these patterns cannot be identified by existing measures such as directed information (DI). We demonstrate how sequential prediction theory may be leveraged to estimate the proposed causal measure and introduce a notion of regret for assessing the performance of such estimators. We prove a finite sample bound on this regret that is determined by the worst case regret of the sequential predictors used in the estimator. Justification for the proposed measure is provided through a series of examples, simulations, and application to stock market data. Within the context of estimating DI, we show that, because joint Markovicity of a pair of processes does not imply the marginal Markovicity of individual processes, commonly used pl

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  • Ptychography is a popular imaging technique that combines diffractive imaging with scanning microscopy. The technique consists of a coherent beam that is scanned across an object in a series of overlapping positions, leading to reliable and improved phase reconstruction. Computationally, ptychography is extremely expensive, as ptychographic microscopes allow for large fields to be imaged at high resolution. In this work, we propose a multigrid-based optimization framework to reduce the computational burdens of large-scale ptychographic phase retrieval. Our proposed method exploits the inherent hierarchical structures in ptychography through tailored restriction and prolongation operators for the object and data domains. Our numerical results show that our proposed scheme accelerates the convergence of its underlying solver and outperforms the state-of-the-art method in the optics community.

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  • Non-concave maximization has been the subject of much recent study in the optimization and machine learning communities, specifically in deep learning. Recent papers ((Ge \etal 2015, Lee \etal 2017) and references therein) indicate that first order methods work well and avoid saddles points. Results as in (Lee \etal 2017), however, are limited to the \textit{unconstrained} case or for cases where the critical points are in the interior of the feasibility set, which fail to capture some of the most interesting applications. In this paper we focus on \textit{constrained} non-concave maximization. We analyze a variant of a well-established algorithm in machine learning called Multiplicative Weights Update (MWU) for the maximization problem $\max_{\mathbf{x} \in D} P(\mathbf{x})$, where $P$ is non-concave, twice continuously differentiable and $D$ is a product of simplices. We show that MWU converges almost always for small enough stepsizes to critical points that satisfy the second order

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  • Many dynamical systems arising in biology and other areas exhibit multistationarity (two or more positive steady states with the same conserved quantities). Although deciding multistationarity for a polynomial dynamical system is an effective question in real algebraic geometry, it is in general difficult to determine whether a given network can give rise to a multistationary system, and if so, to identify witnesses to multistationarity, that is, specific parameter values for which the system exhibits multiple steady states. Here we investigate both problems. First, we build on work of Conradi, Feliu, Mincheva, and Wiuf, who showed that for certain reaction networks whose steady states admit a positive parametrization, multistationarity is characterized by whether a certain "critical function" changes sign. Here, we allow for more general parametrizations, which make it much easier to determine the existence of a sign change. This is particularly simple when the steady-state equations

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  • The contribution of this paper is twofold: First, we prove existence and uniqueness of the weighted maximum likelihood estimator of the multivariate Student-$t$ distribution and propose an efficient algorithm for its computation that we call generalized multivariate myriad filter (GMMF). Second, we use the GMMF in a nonlocal framework for the denoising of images corrupted by different kinds of noise. The resulting method is very flexible and can handle very heavy-tailed noise such as Cauchy noise, but also also Gaussian or wrapped Cauchy noise.

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    Apple Supplier List – Top 200 [pdf]

    10-12 Hacker News 7060

    Apple Supplier List – Top 200 [pdf]

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    310 Bitcoin challenge has been solved

    10-12 Hacker News 6798

    310 Bitcoin challenge has been solved

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    4043 byte PC emulator (2013)

    10-12 Hacker News 6653

    4043 byte PC emulator (2013)

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  • U.S. PIRG -- a non-profit that uses grassroots methods to advocate for political change -- found that 90 percent of manufacturers it contacted claimed that a third party repair would void its warranty. "PIRG researched the warranty information of 50 companies in the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) -- an industry group of notorious for lobbying to protect is repair monopolies -- and found that 45 of them claimed independent repair would void their warranty," Motherboard reports. From the report: PIRG poured over the documentation for 50 companies such as Bissell, Whirlpool, and Panasonic to document their warranty policies. When it couldn't find clear language about warranty and repair, it reached out to the companies via their customer service lines. The overwhelming majority of the companies told PIRG that independent repair would void the warranty. The 1975 Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act states that no manufacturer who charges more than $5 for a product can put repair

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  • A Python Library to extract tabular data from PDFs

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  • Echo could analyze your voice to detect a "physical or emotional abnormality."

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  • Part two of our interview with UCSF neuroscientist Adam Gazzaley on neuroplasticity.

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    Asterisks in Python

    10-12 Hacker News 5589

    Asterisks in Python

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  • BERT: Pre-Training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding

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  • The agile humanoid is learning to use its whole body to leap higher than ever

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  • In a new video from robotics company Boston Dynamics, which Alphabet sold to SoftBank last year, a robot is shown hopping over a log and then up a series of blocks, an activity called parkour. From a report: In previous videos, the robot did a backflip -- now it's leaping over obstacles and climbing up large, uneven stairs with fleet-footed ease. But Atlas wasn't always so graceful. In some of the first videos where Boston Dynamics' robots could walk upright, way back in 2015, Atlas lumbered through the woods, looking like it was narrowly avoiding falling with each step, rather than moving with any kind of purpose.

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  • If you're of European descent, there's a good chance that you can be found.

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  • Even the best AI programs still make stupid mistakes. So DARPA is launching a competition to remedy the field’s most glaring flaw.

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  • An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bleeping Computer: Cryptocurrency miners are now being distributed by a new campaign pretending to be Adobe Flash Player installers. While this is not new, this particular campaign is going the extra mile to appear legitimate by not only installing a miner, but also updating Flash Player as well. In a new malware campaign discovered by Palo Alto Unit 42 researcher Brad Duncan, it was found that a fake Flash Player Trojan not only installed a XMRig miner, but it also automatically updated his installed Flash Player. This real Flash installer was downloaded by the Trojan from Adobe's site. By actually performing an upgrade of the desired program, it makes the user less suspicious and adds further legitimacy that the Trojan was a real Adobe installer for Adobe Flash Player. While Flash Player is now updated, what the victim does not know is that a coinminer was silently installed on the computer and started. Once started, this sample would connect

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    10-12 Hacker News 5149
  • The massive merger is just the latest big change for industry wary of tech entrance.

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  • Plus a rare discount on Grado headphones, Dell laptop deals, and more.

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  • Design choices of the Go garabage collector

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  • Slate's Rachel Withers argues that "tech companies that profit from Wikipedia's extensive database owe Wikimedia a much greater debt." Amazon's Alexa, for example, uses Wikipedia "without credit, contribution, or compensation." The Google Assistant also sources Wikipedia, but they credit the encyclopedia -- and other sites -- when it uses it as a resource. From the report: Amazon recently donated $1 million to the Wikimedia Endowment, a fund that keeps Wikipedia running, as "part of Amazon's and CEO Jeff Bezos' growing work in philanthropy," according to CNET. It's being framed as a "gift," one that -- as Amazon puts it -- recognizes their shared vision to "make it easier to share knowledge globally." Obviously, and as alluded to by CNET, $1 million is hardly a magnanimous donation from Amazon and Bezos, the former a trillion-dollar company and the latter a man with a net worth of more than $160 billion. But it's not just the fact that this donation is, in the scheme of things, paltry.

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  • Yesterday, at a routine vote on regulations for self-driving cars, members of the European Peoples' Party voted down a clause that would protect a vehicle's telemetry so that it couldn't become someone's property. The clause affirmed that "data generated by autonomous transport are automatically generated and are by nature not creative, thus making copyright protection or the right on data-bases inapplicable." Boing Boing reports: This is data that we will need to evaluate the safety of autonomous vehicles, to fine-tune their performance, to ensure that they are working as the manufacturer claims -- data that will not be public domain (as copyright law dictates), but will instead be someone's exclusive purview, to release or withhold as they see fit. Who will own this data? It's unlikely that it will be the owners of the vehicles. It's already the case that most auto manufacturers use license agreements and DRM to lock up your car so that you can't fix it yourself or take it to an inde

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  • Facebook is purging hundreds of accounts and pages in the U.S., many of which spread political misinformation, for breaking the company's terms against "inauthentic" content and spam. The Verge reports: The company said in a blog post that 559 pages and 251 accounts would be removed. While the accounts used "sensational political content," Facebook did not say that was the reason for the purge. Instead, the accounts and pages will be taken down after they had "consistently broken" the company's rules against gaming its platform. Facebook noted that many used strategies like posting on fake or multiple accounts to generate traffic, or to inflate their popularity. Still, Facebook noted the proximity to the U.S. midterm elections, and said that networks like the ones it removed today are "increasingly" promoting political content that is "often indistinguishable from legitimate political debate." The company said this was the reason it has turned to "behavior" instead of "content" when se

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  • We prove the local solvability of the p-adic analog of the Navier-Stokes equation. This equation describes, within the p-adic model of porous medium, the flow of a fluid in capillaries.

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  • Google wants to match actual energy demand with carbon-free supply.

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  • After an aborted Soyuz mission to the International Space Station, how long it will take to resume flights there? Will NASA's Commercial Crew program have to come to the rescue?

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  • We study sequences of conformal deformations of a smooth closed Riemannian manifold of dimension $n$, assuming uniform volume bounds and $L^{n/2}$ bounds on their scalar curvatures. Singularities may appear in the limit. Nevertheless, we show that under such bounds the underlying metric spaces are pre-compact in the Gromov-Hausdorff topology. Our study is based on the use of $A_\infty$-weights from harmonic analysis, and provides geometric controls on the limit spaces thus obtained. Our techniques also show that any conformal deformation of the Euclidean metric on $R^n$ with infinite volume and finite $L^{n/2}$ norm of the scalar curvature satisfies the Euclidean isoperimetric inequality.

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  • Identifying the unknown underlying trend of a given noisy signal is extremely useful for a wide range of applications. The number of potential trends might be exponential, which can be computationally exhaustive even for short signals. Another challenge, is the presence of abrupt changes and outliers at unknown times which impart resourceful information regarding the signal's characteristics. In this paper, we present the $\ell_1$ Adaptive Trend Filter, which can consistently identify the components in the underlying trend and multiple level-shifts, even in the presence of outliers. Additionally, an enhanced coordinate descent algorithm which exploit the filter design is presented. Some implementation details are discussed and a version in the Julia language is presented along with two distinct applications to illustrate the filter's potential.

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  • In this short note, we consider order convergence in the space of all Banach lattice valued Bochner integrable functions instead of almost everywhere pointwise convergence to establish two results similar to the monotone convergence theorem and the Fatou's lemma; this approach has two advantages: we can use nets instead of sequences and no monotonicity is required.

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  • We give two characterizations of tracially nuclear C*-algebras. The first is that the finite summand of the second dual is hyperfinite. The second is in terms of a variant of the weak* uniqueness property. The necessary condition holds for all tracially nuclear C*-algebras. When the algebra is separable, we prove the sufficiency.

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  • Let $G$ be a finite group and let $\pi$ be a set of primes. In this paper, we prove a criterion for the existence of a solvable $\pi$-Hall subgroup of $G$, precisely, the group $G$ has a solvable $\pi$-Hall subgroup if, and only if, $G$ has a $\{p,q\}$-Hall subgroup for any pair $p$, $q\in\pi$.

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  • Consider the classical problem of solving a general linear system of equations $Ax=b$. It is well known that the (successively over relaxed) Gauss-Seidel scheme and many of its variants may not converge when $A$ is neither diagonally dominant nor symmetric positive definite. Can we have a linearly convergent G-S type algorithm that works for any $A$? In this paper we answer this question affirmatively by proposing a doubly stochastic G-S algorithm that is provably linearly convergent (in the mean square error sense) for any feasible linear system of equations. The key in the algorithm design is to introduce a nonuniform double stochastic scheme for picking the equation and the variable in each update step as well as a stepsize rule. These techniques also generalize to certain iterative alternating projection algorithms for solving the linear feasibility problem $A x\le b$ with an arbitrary $A$, as well as certain high-dimensional convex minimization problems. Our results demonstrate th

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  • The wireless channel of 5G communications will have unique characteristics that can not be fully apprehended by the traditional fading models. For instance, the wireless channel may often be dominated by a finite number of specular components, the conventional Gaussian assumption may not be applied to the diffuse scattered waves and the point scatterers may be inhomogeneously distributed. These physical attributes were incorporated into the state-of-the-art fading models, such as the kappa-mu shadowed fading model, the generalized two-ray fading model, and the fluctuating two ray fading model. Unfortunately, much of the existing published work commonly imposed arbitrary assumptions on the channel parameters to achieve theoretical tractability, thereby limiting their application to represent a diverse range of propagation environments. This motivates us to find a more general fading model that incorporates multiple specular components with clusterized diffuse scattered waves, but achiev

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  • A family $F$ of graphs on a fixed set of $n$ vertices is called triangle-intersecting if for any $G_1,G_2 \in F$, the intersection $G_1 \cap G_2$ contains a triangle. More generally, for a fixed graph $H$, a family $F$ is $H$-intersecting if the intersection of any two graphs in $F$ contains a sub-graph isomorphic to $H$. In [D. Ellis, Y. Filmus, and E. Friedgut, Triangle-intersecting families of graphs, J. Eur. Math. Soc. 14 (2012), pp. 841--885], Ellis, Filmus and Friedgut proved a 36-year old conjecture of Simonovits and S\'{o}s stating that the maximal size of a triangle-intersecting family is $(1/8)2^{n(n-1)/2}$. Furthermore, they proved a $p$-biased generalization, stating that for any $p \leq 1/2$, we have $\mu_{p}(F)\le p^{3}$, where $\mu_{p}(F)$ is the probability that the random graph $G(n,p)$ belongs to $F$. In the same paper, Ellis et al. conjectured that the assertion of their biased theorem holds also for $1/2 < p \le 3/4$, and more generally, that for any non-$t$-colo

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  • We give an informal survey of the historical development of computations related to prime number distribution and zeros of the Riemann zeta function.

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  • We describe a convex relaxation for the Gilbert-Steiner problem both in $R^d$ and on manifolds, extending the framework proposed in [9], and we discuss its sharpness by means of calibration type arguments. The minimization of the resulting problem is then tackled numerically and we present results for an extensive set of examples. In particular we are able to address the Steiner tree problem on surfaces.

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  • We propose a formula for the enumeration of closed lattice random walks of length $n$ enclosing a given algebraic area. The information is contained in the Kreft coefficients which encode, in the commensurate case, the Hofstadter secular equation for a quantum particle hopping on a lattice coupled to a perpendicular magnetic field. The algebraic area enumeration is possible because it is split in $2^{n/2-1}$ pieces, each tractable in terms of explicit combinatorial expressions.

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  • Mochibot is out to prove that there's no such thing as too many legs

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    A Taco Truck on Every Corner or Not?

    10-11 Hacker News 5956

    A Taco Truck on Every Corner or Not?

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    A packaging tutorial for Guix

    10-11 Hacker News 6030

    A packaging tutorial for Guix

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  • An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg: Amazon is sweetening the pay for some of its longtime warehouse workers after employees criticized the loss of bonuses and stock awards as part of the company's pledge to boost all wages to at least $15 an hour. The world's largest online retailer grabbed headlines last week with its minimum-pay pledge -- followed by concerns from veteran workers who feared their compensation would actually decline because the company also eliminated bonuses and stock awards. Amazon said any workers already earning $15 would get raises of $1 per hour. Now, some of those employees are learning their hourly raises will actually be $1.25 an hour. Additionally, Amazon is introducing a new cash bonus of $1,500 to $3,000 for tenure milestones at five, 10, 15 and 20 years. Workers with good attendance in the month of December will also get a $100 bonus, according to the company. "All hourly Operations and Customer Service employees will see an increase in th

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  • Jeffrey Dastin, reporting for Reuters: Amazon's machine-learning specialists uncovered a big problem: their new recruiting engine did not like women. The team had been building computer programs since 2014 to review job applicants' resumes with the aim of mechanizing the search for top talent, five people familiar with the effort told Reuters. Automation has been key to Amazon's e-commerce dominance, be it inside warehouses or driving pricing decisions. The company's experimental hiring tool used artificial intelligence to give job candidates scores ranging from one to five stars -- much like shoppers rate products on Amazon, some of the people said. "Everyone wanted this holy grail," one of the people said. "They literally wanted it to be an engine where I'm going to give you 100 resumes, it will spit out the top five, and we'll hire those." But by 2015, the company realized its new system was not rating candidates for software developer jobs and other technical posts in a gender-neut

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  • Text from the wall-sized panels may help linguists study the evolution of Aramaic.

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  • Apple is planning a new digital video service that will provide original content free to its device owners, CNBC reported Wednesday. From the report: Apple is preparing a new digital video service that will marry original content and subscription services from legacy media companies, according to people familiar with the matter. Owners of Apple devices, such as the iPhone, iPad and Apple TV will find the still-in-the-works service in the pre-installed "TV" application, said the people, who asked not to be named because the details of the project are private. The product will include Apple-owned content, which will be free to Apple device owners, and subscription "channels" which will allow customers to sign up for online-only services, such as those from HBO and Starz. Apple plans to debut the revamped app early next year, the people said. As Bloomberg reported in May, the subscription channels will essentially copy Amazon's Prime Video Channel Subscriptions. Customers will be able to

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  • From a report: Within the past four years, Apple has managed to "dramatically reduce" the rate of iPhone-related repair fraud in its retail stores in China, according to The Information's Wayne Ma. The report is based on interviews with more than a dozen former Apple employees who spoke on condition of anonymity. In 2013, Apple is said to have discovered a highly sophisticated fraud scheme in which organized thieves would buy or steal iPhones, remove valuable components like the processor or logic board, swap in fake components, and return the "broken" iPhones to receive replacements they could resell. From the report: "Thieves would stand outside stores with suitcases full of iPhones with some of the original components stripped out and replaced with inferior parts, two of the people said. The fraudsters would hire people to pretend to be customers to return them, each taking a device to stand in line at the Genius Bar, the people said. Once the phones were swapped, the actors would p

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